Election '08!

Nov 05, 2008 17:32

I am so happy that Barrack Obama is our president elect!!! the reason of voted for him is obviously about his plan for American but also that he know how to bring us together no matter what race party, or religion you are. this is the United States of America and he emphasizes that it is our job to decide what is right for us and that he will listen to everything we have to say. and I really do believe him, there's just something about him that gives me hope. :-)

not to mention he's our first African American president!!! this make me sooo happy! to think that not that long ago they were integrating black and white schools and dealing with segregation. well times have changed and this is a new generation with new and better ideas.

also the fact that sooo many people got out there and voted is great for our country. people understood that if you just get out there and fight for what you believe in, great thing will happen. it's even cooler that the younger vote (18-29) was significantly higher.

only thing I'm disappointed about Amendment 2. people think its only about gay marriage rights, well just to let you know its not. it is taking away the right of partners living together to be by their loved ones side on their DEATH BED!!! and no this is not just talking about gays or lesbians! it includes any man or woman living together!
and I thought this country was supposed to have a separation of church and state and equality to all, soo shouldn't that mean that everyone should be able to have the same marriage rights. yea maybe the bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman but is there a bible in our Constitution? NO! and I'm just talking about the marriage rights, maybe we could call it something different just to make a certain group of people happy but if two people love each other then they have every right live together and have the same benefits of any other two people who love each other. stop mixing church and state!
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