i had fun tonight. and i got cinnamon rolls & Icing.
yall need to call me.
i saw exorcism of emily rose last night. me and sc thought it was pretty funny. and the eighth graders got kicked out.. haha.
then tonight, i hung out with SC, mary margaret and kaitlin. we went to the galleria. we rode the merry go round.. or something like that. yeah i rode the frog. then we walked around and went in some store, and got makeup all over sc and she went and asked these boys if it was still there. and made us look real cool. then we went to libby lu or something. we got cinnamon rolls and made a mess. yeah and these boys were standing over us. and sc did the wierdest thing.. i think tonight we all laughed. i had cramps from laughing so hard. we followed this guy and his girlfriend for a pretty long time to make the girl mad. it was sort of sad. it was a really fun night with the girls.. very fun. & i just spent forever trying to get the icing and pink hair spray off me.