Who: Billy, Hannah, Sean and Debbie
What: Talking
When: BACKDATED 10 October 2004, the morning before the party
Where: The Wood House
Billy: *I arrived in LA I dump my stuff in a hotel before making my way to Elijah’s home. I decide to take a taxi as I managed to have an accident when I rented a car and drove to Elijah by myself last time I was here. When I finally arrive at the house I quickly get out, pay the driver and make my way to the front door. Buzzing, I wait for someone to open the door.*
Hannah: *I'm in the kitchen when I hear the doorbell buzz. Figuring Sean and Mom are busy and Lij is out back, I go to answer the door. Not bothering to look through the peephole, I swing the door open.* BILLY! *I exclaim, grinning and almost jumping on you*
Billy: *I laugh as you seem rather excited about seeing me and hug you tight* Hey Han! *I say, grinning from ear to ear as I pull back*
Hannah: How the hell are you? *I ask, giving you a good look* C'mon in! *I move out of the doorway to let you pass though.*
Billy: *I get in as move out of the doorway and smile at you* Could not be better. What about you?
Hannah: Just peachy. *I close the door and lead you to the living room* It feels good to be home. Though I wish a certain someone could be here this weekend. *I say offhandedly, trying to keep the tone light.*
Billy: *I turn around and look at you* And who would that be? *I have to admit that I am rather clueless*
Hannah: Dom. *I reply, flopping down on the new sofa.*
Billy: Dom won’t make it? *I am surprised that he can’t come*
Hannah: No. They changed the filming schedule and he said he couldn't make it out here. *I frown*
Billy: That’s bad. He will have to make up for it when he gets his arse to LA next then. *I smile*
Hannah: Only 3 more weeks and I'm flying to Hawaii for fall break. *I can't help but grin*
Billy: You’re flying out to Hawaii just to see Dom? *I'm getting a bit confused here, and start to wonder if I've missed or forgotten something*
Hannah: *I start to blush and scratch my head to cover the blush.* We're... umm... kindaseeingeachotherbutnotreallyyet. *I spew all in one breath.*
Billy: *Those news took me totally off guard and I just sit there and stare at you flabbergasted*
Hannah: Wha? *Your stare is unnerving*
Billy: Uhm... nothing. That was just kind of surprising. *I smile at you* Congrats then. If you need help handling him, call me. I am experienced in the handling of Doms.
Hannah: *I crack up giggling* I'll keep that in mind. Might need you to knock some sense into him soon.
Billy: Knock some sense into him? Anything wrong with him? *I say, trying to hide a smile as I watch you giggling, which is kind of infectious*
Hannah: Nothing wrong with him, but... We're not in a 'relationship', but we're more than friends. *I shrug* Eh whatever. I'll take what I can get. *I smile*
Billy: Gosh.. *I pause* I wonder how I managed to miss this.
Hannah: Well, it did happen kinda fast, and we have been low-key about it. You've been preoccupied with a certain dark-haired kiwi I bet. *I wink at you*
Billy: Well, I am afraid I can’t use Karl as an excuse either. While he is working pretty much all week I am just doing a convention every now and then at the moment so technically I have all the time in the world. I guess I should really call Dom more often.
Hannah: Good luck getting a hold of him. *I laugh* He's one busy man. Have you gotten to see any of the episodes yet?
Billy: Yes! It is pretty good.
Hannah: I love it. I'm so proud of him. *I can feel myself blush again.* But enough about Dom... *grin* I've got something for you.
Billy: *I smile as you blush again* A present for me? A present is always good. *I grin. I am most curious to find out what you got me*
Hannah: It's only a few months late, but I couldn't just mail something like this across the pond. Stay here, I'll be right back. *I get up from the couch and run upstairs to my bedroom, grabbing the wrapped square.*
Billy: *I am sitting still in the living room, trying to figure out what you have got for me, but my mind is blank*
Hannah: *I hop back down the stairs and walk into the living room and hand you the package. The large, almost flat square is wrapped in plain brown paper. Inside is a large brown wooden frame, containing a hand-painted parchment baring the Boyd family crest.*
Billy: *I grin at you as you give me the present and unwrap it quickly. I am amazed as I see the present. I lightly stroke over the picture, totally lost in amazement. Finally I manage to look up. "That’s beautiful." Looking back at the picture again I realise that you obviously painted it yourself*
Hannah: *I'm grinning like a loon now, happy I was able to do something nice for you.*
Billy: *I stare at the picture some more, not being able to take my eyes away from it. Finally I get up and hug you tight.* Thank you so much.
Hannah: *I return your hug* You're welcome, Billy. I'm glad you like it. See why I couldn't just mail it over to you? *I giggle*
Billy: *I turn back* Yes, that's not something you just mail, indeed. *I grin* How did you get the idea?
Hannah: Well... *I sit back down on the sofa.* I wanted to do something really special for you, and I know how proud you are of your Scottish heritage. So I put two and two together. *I smile*
Billy: *I laugh* Is it that obvious? But you are right. You should put two and two together more often, cause that is a great present.
Hannah: *I keep smiling* I'm glad you like it. *I'm sure my face is bloody red by now.* So how's it feel to be engaged? Getting married!
Billy: It is great. I can’t believe that Karl asked me to marry him as he has never been the wedding type.
Hannah: People change. When you love someone you do crazy things. *I grin*
Billy: Yeah, it just really surprised me... in a good way of course. Maggie totally freaked out when I told her. *I laugh lightly*
Hannah: I bet she's excited, eh?
Billy: She is. She probably thought I would never marry.
Hannah: And now you are. *I smile* When's the big day?
Billy: Sometime in December, we are not sure about the date yet.
Hannah: In England, or down in 'Zealand?
Billy: New Zealand as it will be summer down there in December. The weather in Scotland or England is rather crappy in December.
Hannah: Ah, it'll be beautiful down there in December. *I smile*
Billy: It will. I just need to convince Karl of wearing a white dress and a tiara or something like that.
Hannah: Karl wearing a dress. That's slightly scary.
Billy: Nope, it is sexy. *I laugh*
Hannah: *I chuckle* I'll have to take your word for it, Billy.
Billy: You can take my word for it. Karl will deny that he ever wore a dress, but he is lying.
Hannah: Was he drunk at the time? *I snicker*
Billy: *I laugh* Probably yes, but fact is he wore a dress.
Hannah: *I shake my head, laughing* Too. much. information.
Billy: Sorry. *I calm down* Did not mean to place disturbing images in your head.
Hannah: *I grin at you* 's ok, Billy. *I look up when I hear someone walk past the living room.*
Billy: *I turn around and look in the direction you are looking as I spot Bean in the door to the living room* Hey Sean! *I stand up to greet you*
Sean: Bills! *I enter the living room and give you a hearty handshake.* What rock did you crawl out of? *I chuckle*
Hannah: *I laugh*
Billy: And what kind of greeting is that? *I grin as I get on my toes to hug you* How are you? *I grin at you as I pull back*
Sean: I'm well, wee hobbit. How've you been? Heard you're getting married! *I wave at Hannah*
Billy: That I am, just as well as you. And I am great, despise the fact that I have to live in England at the moment.
Sean: *I chuckle* England's not so bad, old chap. Just ask Deborah. *I say with a grin*
Debbie: *I enter the room just as I hear Sean’s last sentence* Ask Deborah what? *I say as I come in smiling*
Hannah: England's not so bad, is it Mom? *I ask, butting in before Sean has the chance to repeat himself.*
Debbie: It is quite beautiful actually *I say, wrapping my arms around Sean’s waist*
Billy: But is is a fact that Scotland is more beautiful.
Sean: *I grin* Shall we agree to disagree, my friend?
Billy: That would be a deal *I laugh*
Hannah: *I watch everything, smiling.* Hey Mom, what do you think of the new sofa. *I laugh*
Debbie: *I laugh* I would be more interested in what happened to the old one?
Sean: Poor Elijah probably threw it out on the curb. *I chuckle, kissing Debbie on the cheek*
Debbie: *I sigh* Well, the house is clean at least, more than clean actually. You could give birth to a child in the kitchen.
Hannah: *I raise an eyebrow*
Sean: *I laugh* That's quite alright, love. No startling the little ones, ya?
Debbie: *I roll my eyes* I mean, theoretically. To point out how clean it is.
Sean: *I laugh again and give Debbie a squeeze*
Billy: *I don’t say anything for the moment as watching you is enough fun*
Hannah: *I look between the three of you and grin again* You want something to drink, Billy?
Billy: *I turn to Hannah* Yes, some water would be great. *I smile at her*
Hannah: Ok *I hop off the sofa and go to the kitchen to get Billy some water.*
Billy: *I turn to Debbie and Sean* So you two are really getting married?
Sean: *I nod, grinning* This lovely lady said yes, so I think that means we're getting married. *I chuckle*
Debbie: *I smile at Sean* How could I say no to this lovely man?
Billy: *I smile at you two* Call me when he causes problems.
Sean: What's that, wee hobbit? *I chuckle*
Billy: I am just offering help. *I grin*
Debbie: *I laugh* I will.
Sean: *I shake my head, laughing*
Hannah: *I come back with the water* Here you go, Billy. *I smile*
Billy: *I smile at Hannah as she hands me the water* Thanks
Hannah: You're welcome, Billy. *I catch a glance at the clock.* Woah, I need to run. I'm getting my hair done for tonight. *I grin*
Billy: Yeah, need to run as well. See you all tonight then?
Sean: *I nod* See you tonight, Billy.
Debbie: Yep, see you tonight *I smile at Billy*
Billy: Bye! *I wave at everyone shortly before I make my way out*
Hannah: *I call out after you* Bye Billy!