Jun 04, 2005 23:30
I feel really bad for Freddie... I totally have not been with him AT ALL today, besides now. The poor little dear was probably starving to death... eep! I will not be the killer of this cute dog! So from now on-> I will pay attention to him! Yes! Man--> I went to work today, and it was ROUGH! I worked for a REAL long time in the back folding and folding and folding silverware... and then putting away bread, then folding silverware... ect, ect, ect. It was really sad tonight though, because the workers in the back found a pink purse by the dumpsters all spilled out on the ground. They took it inside and Tamara, the manager, searched for the purse's owner with no luck. Then later I was putting up menus and this lady comes in hysterics and is like---> HAVE YOU FOUND A PINK PURSE!?!? and I was like yes! So I took her to Tamara and then Tamara gave the lady her purse but when the lady looked through it she found all of her cash and credit cards were missing... she started to cry... I teared up. It was just a real sad situation... and earlier at O'Chucks this girl got on her cell phone and cussed out the person on the other line<--- supposedly they didn't pay for their food and just left... yeah they were pretty pissed!!!!!
hmm...oh man I'm tired. I stayed up till 5 in the morning. No joke. The sun was rising as I turned off my light to go to bed... so I feel pretty horrible right now. blah.
I gave Andrew his graduation presents! Two sciency bookys... hee hee. Boring I know, but they were both kinda cool. :o) It was nice to see him again. I never see him anymore- I just think about him. Wondering what he's up to... oh well. I'm going to leave that at that.
I just found out that Katie, MB, and Sara are going to Merytl Beach this week.... yeah.... didn't see that one coming. I just wish my friends would tell me things insted of hide things because they dont want to hurt my feelings or something. THis is sara's thing supposedly and she invited mb and katie... thats FINE. I know I'm not invited... I woulden't push my way into things. I don't ever talk to Sara anymore, so why would she invite me anyways??? So why not tell me insted of finding out from one of MB's college firends...?!! Ugh... people are soo.... confusing. ***ATTENTION*** to everyone: TELL ME THE TRUTH!!! I hate it when people don't say things because they're afraid of their feelings... kinda like when I need a friend to defend me when I'm right, and they don;t because they don't want to make anyone mad... this irritates me... blah. I'm not mad that I'm not invited. I'm sad that people won't be truthful with me.... *sigh*
Sooo I think I'm gonna go watch some tv and play with Freddie... talk to yall lata alligata!