Kiss the Cook (Drabble)

Aug 23, 2014 15:43

Here is the link to where this was originally posted on my AO3.

Kiss the Cook
Written by Hannah_Story, Unbeta'd

Domestic AU: Cas tries to cook something special for their wedding anniversary.

Fuck. Whoever said that cooking is easy was a fucking liar, Cas thought as he struggled to get the burning burgers unstuck from the pan. The kitchen was smoky and everything smelled bad- and then the smoke alarm went off.

"Damn it!" Cas said, abandoning the burning burgers to grab the broom. He stood on a kitchen chair, balancing precariously while poking at the smoke alarm, desperately trying to make the incessant beeping stop.

The counters and kitchen table were a mess, too. Everything was covered in spills and crumbs and dirty dishes, and the cook book got buried somewhere in the fiasco.

All Cas had wanted was to make Dean his favorite dinner for their anniversary, but the whole thing wasn't turning out so well.

He finally managed to silence the smoke alarm, but by then, the burgers were charred and disgusting.

"It's okay- there's still time. I could always order take out and just clean up this mess," Cas told himself, running around the kitchen in a frenzy to make it neater.

He had wanted this all to be perfect and it was just a big catastrophe. He had been planning this special night for weeks- he was even wearing a ruffly, ribbon covered pink apron with the words 'Kiss the cook' embroider on it. He knew Dean would love it.

But then the front door opened and Dean was home. "Baby? What's burning?" He asked in alarm as he ran into the kitchen.

Cas looked absolutely distressed. He had something smudged on his nose, his little pink apron was crooked and covered in spills, and Dean saw dirty dishes everywhere.

"I tried to cook," Cas said with a weak smile. He let out a half hearted chuckle, but their were tears in his eyes. It was just a simple task! Follow the instructions in the cookbook and make the damned meal.

But Cas couldn't even manage that, and now he had ruined their entire anniversary. No dinner, no present- nothing but a big mess and a bad smell.

"Really?" Dean said, a smile spreading across his face. Cas looked confused. Why didn't Dean look upset?

"I'm sorry- I- the burgers started burning and I couldn't get them unstuck from the pan and then the smoke alarm went off- and then I forgot about the burgers and I couldn't make the sound stop but then I-"

"Cas, it's okay," Dean interrupted, moving closer to wrap his arm around Cas's waist. Dean pet Cas's hair back a little, a soothing gesture.

Dean always seemed to make Cas feel better. Everything about him screamed 'home' and 'safety' to Cas- his familiar smell, the feel of his muscles straining under his suit jacket, the feel of his stubble brushing across Cas's face.

"I'm sorry I ruined our anniversary," Cas mumbled, leaning his head on Dean's shoulder.

"You didn't ruin anything, angel. It was such a nice thought and it means a lot that you put so much thought into this-" he trailed off, moving his hand down Cas's waist, feeling the pink ribbon holding his apron on. "Plus, you look adorable in the apron."

Cas couldn't help but smile a little, but he still felt awful. "I burned everything and messed up my surprise for you."

"That's okay, baby. Wanna know something?" Dean asked. He reached into his pocket and produced a little slip of paper. It was a reservation for Cas's favorite restaurant- it was a fancy place right on the waterfront, with outdoor tables and a view of all the boats. "Surprise. Happy anniversary."

Cas wiped his red, puffy eyes and lit up. "You're taking me out to dinner?"

Dean grinned and kissed Cas on the cheek. "Yep. Your favorite."

A little relief flashed in Cas's eyes. If the dinner Cas cooked had worked out, then Dean's present to Cas wouldn't have worked, and Dean would have felt bad. That meant it was all sort of working out for the best.

Cas laced his fingers through Dean's hair and pulled him in for a proper kiss. "I love you so much," he whispered happily.

"I love you more," Dean said. "How did someone like me end up with someone like you?"

Cas smiled. "I guess I just got lucky somehow."

Dean was still smiling warmly, tracing his fingers over Cas's apron. He looked down. "May I kiss the cook?"

Cas beamed, truly happy. "You may."

destiel, ao3, one-shot, destiel au, cas wears an apron, destiel drabble, hannah_story, fancfic, domestic au

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