Nov 09, 2005 21:30
I hate people's ignorance. The past few days, ignorance is all that people are showing. I knew that Proposition 2 would pass, but it still makes me so angry. I don't understand why people think that homosexuals are not entitled to the same right as other people. They follow our laws, they work for our factories and our businesses, they contribute to society. Foreigners come to our country to escape persecution, and here we are, persecuting our own people. On another subject, though still on ignorance; Racial ignorance. I don't remember if I mentioned this on my entry yesterday, or if I even posted yesterday. Kim and I rode my bus home yesterday, and this was only the second time that I rode the bus the whole year, so I know nobody. We were the only white folks on the bus, and when we got off at the stop, this black guy stuck his head out the window and said "Bye Sarah, bye Julie", just because we're white. They don't even understand the impact of what they're saying. Now, I'm used to racial remarks. But to other people, it's offensive. It might be a joke between them and their friends, but it's not a joke to the person that it is being said about. I hate that "nigger" and "cracker" are socially accepted. I know that I have used them, but I'm not anymore. I've realised how superficial and conceded our country is. Not just our country, but the world. Now comes to the point of this entry. The world isn't in such a great state right now. And I want to do whatever I can to make it better. Even if its just around my school and my home. Not so much to change things, but like I said in a previous entry, I want to impact people's lives. I want to show everyone that I know, everyone that I meet that they are worth something and that somebody loves them. So yeah...this is Hannah going soft. Just thought I'd let you guys know. Oh, and Jenna wants me to go vegan...