this is our computer desktop right now. every time i see it, i go into a fit of incoherent squeeing. i am relieved to know that this is a
common reaction and that i am not an anomaly... but geez! i have no dignity left.
and our cat is dirty and mean and hangs out in ditches.
[and i want a cute little kitten now.]
in other news, since my birthday is safely out of the way now, i went ahead and ordered a bunch of stuff online. i love receiving boxes of goodies in the mail -- even when i know what the contents are :)
we also went to see the latest harry potter movie yesterday with
cliomuse and her hubby. all i will say is that the slash writers and music video masher-uppers (not sure what the proper term for this is.
ladybrock, help me out?) will have a field day with the treasure trove of EMO DRACO MALFOY footage in the film. ah, the things they will do that we can never unsee!