so i think i've finally figured out what's really going on with eric *whispers* or my paranoid brain has finally concocted something with which to content itself. either way, i win. :D
so here goes...i started thinking that there was something he was hiding from me, just based on a few odd reactions, refusal to meet my eyes when saying certain things...some stuff that just didn't add up. so what i think is going down is this: i think shanna struck a deal with him, whereby they go ahead and file the separation papers, but she gets him for the next year, completely to herself. if things work out, good for them. if they don't...she'll let him go, no animosity or vindictive divorce proceedings. thus why he can't even talk to me (cos let's face it- i'm effing hott and he couldn't possibly resist *huge grin*)- he really can't afford to screw this up.
meh, and if not, i'm a psycho hose beast who'll get over it eventually. *shrug*
i say all this following another bout of drama *facepalm* i think the situation's stable now, though. hopefully no more mental breakdowns for amy. *cross fingers*
and by the way, if you happen to be reading this dweebo, i was trying to avoid you yesterday when we accidentally crossed each others' path. so don't go telling people i was stalking you, damnit. well...if you have to. and that beard looks stupid. unless you actually like it, in which case it dimishes your baby face. and stop letting her cut your hair! for god's sake, a man's hair cut is like ten bucks max. longer is better, cos your hair's so fine.
in other news, there were three segments in total on wlos about barberville burning down. you can see them
here, and crap, now i can't find the other one. maybe they took it down. anyhoodles, teh weirdness. the other day, my mom called to tell me that linda sorrells's sister took some picture of the fire with her cell phone...and upon closer inspection later, noticed that there appeared to be a face in the smoke. then, not ten minutes after she called, chasity texted me THAT EXACT FREAKING PICTURE! v amusing. small county, it only took twelve people to get it to me. all the "adults" are saying it looks like the devil...but most of the younger adults think it looks like a child. i'll post it later. after i've taken my meds. *le yawn*
okay bye!