Jun 30, 2008 01:19
*inserts lonely between 'my' and 'god' and giggles to self profusely*
i am just stunned. wonderful. completely delightful. completely horrible, but completely delightful. so pleased.
*attempts to retrieve jaw from floor*
only one thing could pull me out of this funk i've been in...well, one other thing...but zomg! between seeing eddie izzard, yo-yo ma in concert (for one piece), and this episode...best damn week like evar. with regards to my social life at least. ;)
on another note, got my sally reward points camera yesterday! is a fujifilm finepix, 8.2 megapixels. is pretty awesome. will post insane amounts of pictures of charles and also pictures from today's boating trip (my dad bought a pontoon boat *facepalm*).
*dances off, alternating between squeals of joy and peals of laughter*