One Week Off

Jul 06, 2010 16:24

So, I'm off work this week while I use up annual leave before I become unemployed again. The week will be gone before I know it 'cause I'm catching up on the OU course I've been mostly ignoring, and 'cause job apps etc take forever. I do plan to get at least one museum trip and a few extra swims in, though. I'm mad, me.

However, two cool things that have happened/are happening:

  • The writing website seems to be coming together. The website mock-ups are looking pretty and submissions are coming in. If anyone's interested in submitting something for it, or just seeing how it goes - go add Whippersnapper Press as a friend on Faceache. I've had submissions from slam champions, UEA MA people, a stand-up comedian - even had a sound person who used to work for Radio 4 asking if I want a demo CD/sound on the website. This thing is snowballing and it's fantastic. Only took me... two years. 
  • I went to Pride for the first time. I was marching with Quakers (Quakers = what I was raised with, and one of the few religions to affirm/actively support gay marriage) Met lovely people, made some friends, had a wonderful time, bought yet more things with rainbows on them, and realised just how much of an easy ride I've had. I always knew I was insanely lucky, but having it confirmed was something else. People were talking about have they told their parents, etc - one person there has a mother who 'cures' gay people. My mom was the one who suggested I go to Pride 'cause her friend had made a lovely batik banner and needed more people to carry it. There are no words. I almost feel guilty for being this lucky.
Anywho, got to go - this OU course won't ignore itself.
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