Atelier Royale Butler Café [AFA ID 2012] September 1-2 2012 [Part2]

Sep 12, 2012 19:56

Atelier Royale Butler Café [Until we meet again]

September 1-2 2012
1 September 2012 link

This is about the second day during AFA ID in Atelier Royale Café. Okay, first of all.. =[ I'm so sorry to Takuya, you are not in both of this journal ><;

2 September 2012…

This is the last day, who knows when I will be able to come into the café again. I'm glad that I manage to buy the tickets, I'm just so happy I can't explain my feeling if I remember the photos I've taken with Ren and Shin. They both will have a special place in my heart for being my first butlers in my life. ^_^ that's what I think until I meet the other butlers. So, not only the two of them, but the rest of them too. Oh Lord, what have I done to deserve such happiness?

Okay, so, again, I came there early, but today I really came alone. All by myself, and my aim is only going to the café, ONLY. When I manage to come inside the hall, I immediately run (After snapping at the person who's checking my ticket for taking such a long 'seconds' to check it -.-). This is the second day and I know there will be a lot of people to come, since they've seen the Butlers yesterday D: I don't want to be left behind. And of course I will run as fast as I can. I'm not wearing yukata today, I'm sweating a lot yesterday, so I can't wear that anymore la XD

Anyway, while I've arrived at the very first line (again), I saw them noticing me and I gave a big wave to them excitedly. They looked at me surprised, no wonder. LOL this is the second time I went into the café. I'm not feeling nervous as I did yesterday. The thing is, I'm alone, I don't know… I don't want to be alone by myself. And when I'm thinking about it, the queue had grown so long by minutes. Oh my God. I'm glad I'm the first again, and I'm glad that I ran. LOL I guess Atelier Royale have their Indonesian fans now. So, I checked behind me, and saw a bunch of girls excitedly chatting and laughing. Curious, I asked them if they had been to the Atelier Royale yesterday. Our conversations leads from the usual and we found out that we share the same interest. I'm glad I found new friends who I can squeal with. Not to mention that one of them are also a fujoshi 8D ahahaha we found each other! LOL I showed them the photos that I've taken yesterday and they can't wait to take the photo with the butlers as well. Ahahah

Again, today they came out with the morning greetings, and I excitedly squealed with the other girls, oh I saw a video camera! I hope I'm inside it too LOL "… Kyou wa yoroshiku onegai shimasu." I will never look at the sentences the same ever again, because it will remind me of the Atelier Royale. The cosplayer who's dressed as a maid managed to take a video during their morning greetings and we immediately asked her if she can send it via Bluetooth. I wouldn't want to miss out that too, so, of course I also asked her. She did send the video to one of my friend, so while we sit together later, Prima can send it to me via her phone! X3 fufufu

Finally! It's time to go inside. My group and I stepped inside as excitedly as ever, and I felt my heart beat faster when I spotted Haru, the head Butler. Oh gosh, already had to talk with the head Butler, not to mention that he look so kind and sweet. So, instead of Ms. Jasmine on yesterday explain how things are going, today Haru was the one asked us which menu we would like to order. I've taste the strawberry cake yesterday, I remember the taste, and it's sour and sweet. I like the strawberry cake, but since I want to taste another menu, I choose the chocolate cake this time. Haru then asked my new friends what they would like to order.

Meanwhile, my mind quickly drifted to Ren. Again. I saw him standing not far from me, and he's just as handsome as I remember. Our eyes met and I felt my cheeks warm again. My lips curled up as I stared at him, not noticing that Haru was calling me. It was until my friend nudged me that I realize what I was doing. I stuttered when Haru asked me if I wanted to ordered coffee or tea. I choose coffee with red face. I'm so embarrassed being caught like that. I wonder what Haru was thinking when I was spacing out LOL xD; I nudged my friend and she laughed at me for spacing off. Okay, let's just forget the embarrassing moments. LOL I wish to dig a hole and jumped into it if I remember that.

After we paid, today Kenta will be our butler 8D I thought at first it will be Haru since he's the one asking what we are going to order. But never mind that, I'm happy that I got the chance to talk to another butler! So, after we all took a sit with Kenta pushing out chairs for us to sit comfortably, he confirm our orders and my friend and I couldn't help but squealed as silent as we could XD

This time I want to feel like a Princess did. When Kenta came back with our drinks, he put down one by one in front of us. After he was done, I asked him to bring more sugar creamer, since last time I ordered the coffee, just one creamer is not enough for me. He confirmed and walked back to us. Picking up the sugar and creamer, I asked Kenta to pour them into the coffee for me. I felt my friends and I held our breath as Kenta kneeled down and open the sugar and creamer, stirring the coffee as graceful as he could. Oh my… I don't know what to say. All I can only say is thank you to him, while my chest felt like it's going to explode anytime soon. The way he smiles, the way he stirred the coffee… I'm a happy fangirl now! XD (kyaaa~) When Kenta told us that he will be back with our cakes, I asked Prima to send the video she got from the cosplayer to be send to my phone. I will treasure that video forever! Who wouldn't?!

Kenta went back after a few minutes with the cakes. This time, it's quite different. He brought with him a chocolate and strawberry creamer. Once he put one by one of our cakes, he asked us what do we want him to write on the plate. My friends asked him with their own variety, if I remember correctly, Stella asked Kenta to write 'love'? XD and some asked him to write their name on it. As for me, I asked him to write HIS name on the plate, with a chocolate cream! 8D (squeeeee~ fangirling again) Okay, I need to stop being so jumpy LOL

So, after he was done, I asked Kenta to cut the cake for me into three pieces. He is willing to do it for me. I was watching him intently as he slowly and gracefully cut the cake. Though, I noticed something. He seems a little bit troubled when cutting the base of it. I think there's a biscuit piece on the bottom of the cake. Well, I didn't say anything at that since he's already cut the cake into three pieces (Not the biscuit included). I said thank you to him and he left our table after a bow. My friends were snickering and laughing as they had already started eating ahead of me. ^,,,,,,,,,,^ awws I hope I'm not troubling you too much, Kenta. I'm such a troublesome Ojou-sama :P

After Kenta left to put things back on its place, I started to eat the cake. I had to admit that it's too sweet for my taste. Not that I mind, I like chocolates, maybe I should have asked for the strawberry creamer other than the chocolate for some sour taste. I looked around again and saw the Indonesian butler walked toward us. His name is… Ryo. Yup, that's him. He asked us how things are going and he kneeled near Anggi. We started to chat with him, in English, even though he is Indonesian. I'm kind of embarrassed about my ability to speak English since my speaking is not very good, while I'm also Indonesian. I'm surprised when he recognized me that I came again yesterday. Oh my… you remember me Ryo. Well duh, ^^; I came on the first line again for two days in rows. *facepalm, so embarrassed* He asked my friends if they are not doing cosplay, since he saw me wearing a yukata yesterday. We asked him what's his hobby and I asked him if he could draw. Then Anggi asked him to sing, since it's one of his likings. And HE DID! OMG His voice is very very… *gasp* I think I'm slowly melted inside. But then he cupped his mouth and laugh, cutting his singing. He told us that he made a mistake. Oh my~ We don't care if you make a mistake or not! Sing more! (≧▽≦))ノ (another fangirl squeal) The way he cupped his mouth like that is CUTE! ( ゜Д ゜)

Anggi then pulled out a small notebook of her and she asked if Ryo could draw for her. He started to draw for her when suddenly Ms. Jasmine walked toward us and scolded him. Ouch! I'm sorry for the trouble we made Ryo-san! (;゜ロ゜)She explained that it's not fair for him to draw for us while the others not getting his drawing as well. Well, I guess that's true. -.-'' So after saying I'm sorry to us, Ryo-san talked about other things, asking if we came for the first time to Atelier Royale. Anggi told him that we ran as fast as could once we got inside the hall. And then he asked us what's our interest, and I said I'm a fanficiton writer and an illustrator. I told him that I'm a fujoshi as well, he look surprised. Prima also admitted to him that she's also a Fujoshi -cheers- I'm not ashamed! XD That's the true me after all. Eheheh So after the chat, he had to go to other table, and we said thank you.

Then Kenta went back to our table and asked how things are. I noticed him using a cross earrings which pretty fit on him. His glasses made him look a bit chubby though, I don't mind seeing a megane character in the Atelier Royale. I'm starting to think about the Tsundere Butler. I thought at first Ren will be that type of character, but he is nice and poker face character. XD Kenta asked us if we came from the same school, and we told him that we just meet. He seems surprised. Probably because the five of us look so close and fangirling together already that we look so close. Of course, Kenta. -v- Don't act so surprised, nobody could beat fangirls closeness if they share the same interest about handsome bishies. =w=b after some times, he had to go back to another table. Then we went back squealing as silent as we could. Stella said that she wanted to talk to Ryo again after he sang for us. XD

I have almost finished my cake went I noticed the biscuit was very hard to be cut. I complained to my friends while stabbing it with my fork which was useless. Then I noticed that I look at Haru walked toward another table. I wish I can talk to him again. I act improper before him when I entered the cafe earlier. But he looked kinda busy… Then my eyes scan on Ren again. He's walking toward our table, which made me became nervous again. To my surprised, Ren walked up from behind MY SIDE and I got to meekly called out his name, "Hi… Ren…" but I guess my voice is too small. I thought he was going to walked passed me again, when I suddenly noticed that he was standing beside me. OMG he CAME to my table on HIS OWN AGAIN?! KYAAAAAAAA~ I was so happy I think he noticed my red face. Silly me to think that he's going to another table. Our table is the last one in row. So IT IS our table that he was heading!

Ren asked us how things are. I was stuttering again when our eyes met. I told him that things are fine. I told him that the biscuit is very hard to be cut and he asked me if I bite it when I ate. I nodded and he asked for my fork. I gave him, I think my fingers just brushed him. (oh my… my heart.. ^,,,,,,^) And then he tried to cut it for me, to my surprised. (OMG THANK YOU BISCUIT FOR BEING SO DAMN HARD TO BE CUT!) He put force on the biscuit with the fork and the tip of the fork met the plate which quiet loud to be heard. I looked down in embarrassments when I noticed everyone was looking at our table, or maybe it's just me. But still, I quiet cause commotions. Lol ^^; Then when I looked up at Ren, he said "It's very hard" with his stoic expression, I laughed. Ahahaha XD why is he so cute and funny?! Aaaa~

When he finished, he gave the fork to me and I muttered thank you. I could see from the corner of my eyes that my friends are grinning at me. And then I suddenly remembered from his profile page in AR page that he likes Code Geass. So I asked him if he already knew about the Code Geass R3. When he said he didn't, I make sure to myself that I will give him the link for it. I asked for his facebook page, personal facebook page I meant. He said he did, inside the AR's page. D: That's not I meant Ren, and he did say he have facebook. ; hmm I knew that the butlers shouldn't be sharing their personal things to us, Ojou-samas, so I won't pester him about it too much. If he said he did, then he did. Maybe he did put a link of his fb page inside the AR page. :D He then told me to eat the biscuit he had cut for me. And I did, finishing it. The taste is good, but why so hard T.T But if it's not hard, Ren wouldn't cut it for me. So, thank you biscuit! (≧ヮ≦)

After a few chit chat with him, he told us that he will go to another table to my disappointment. We finally finished our cakes and drinks after a few minutes chit chat. It was when Haru suddenly came to our table and I was expecting him to start chat with us only to be crashed down when he told us that our time in the café was almost up. Haru… Why are you so mean?! I thought you came to our table to chat. &!(*&*# and then he left… I was too lost for words to even ask him to stay…. -.-

Oh well, my friends then decided to take photos with the butlers before we got kick out xD I decided that I wanted to ask for Kenta to take a photo, :3 he is my second butler for today after all ^w^ The other want him as well, wowerss, Kenta, you are popular already ;D The other photo… I can only take two photos since my money kind of drained out ^^;;; since I've achieved my goal to take a photo with Ren yesterday, I asked to take a photo with Ryo. I will remember his sweet singing voice if I look at his photo.

So, the photo with Kenta, I always find it cute if a guy can act cutely with cat ears or bunny ears on them, since I don't have any of them right now, I just asked Kenta to put both hands on the side of his head, forming a peace sign so he was like he has a bunny ears. XD Kyaaa~~ so cute. He's willing to do so! (≧ヮ≦)

While for Ryo, I asked him to just act cool, putting his thumb and forefinger below his chin. Yup, that poses suit him better with his cute baby face. ;D Now I got four photos with me! All of you are so cute and funny I will treasure them with me forever! I cheers with my friends as they also had taken the photos with the butlers. We walked outside the café fully satisfied and we have no regrets at all! We take our last photos in front of the café for the last memories. This will be the last day and I'm so happy, I got another new friends I can chat with, and I got the experience such a wonderful and sweet times inside the Butler Café I've been wanting to come for once of my lifetime.

So, after taking photos, my friends asked me if I want to go around with them until it's time for them to go to the stage events. I can't go to the stage events today since I didn't buy the ticket for Main Stage. I can only wondering around the exhibitions. Then they agreed to walk around with me, so I got the chance to hang out with them as well. :3 I bought a new hairband with ribbons on it. I'm thinking about going back to the Atelier Royale café again to show my new hairband to Ren. ; but the lines.. Oh my… -.- It will take more than four hours to get inside again, or probably more? (;゜ロ゜) So I was just lurking inside from the exit and when I saw Ren, he noticed me standing before the exit. I waved and pointed him my new hairband, but it seems that he didn't caught what I was trying to say. He just gave a short nod and left to another table T.T darn it… I felt a big gap between us now. So I just gave up and told my friends to just take photos with the cosplayers until they want to go inside the stage event.

For my last notes, I want to say thank you Atelier Royale for coming to Indonesia in AFA ID 2012. I'm so glad to meet you guys… The strawberry cake is very delicious. I want to taste it again. I hope you guys will come again to Indonesia next year, I hope that the same Butlers will come together along with the new ones. They were awesome memories. I know they are going to hold another AFA in Singapore, but I'm not sure if I can come over there. Not with my current salary right now. xD; Well, I might be able to go there, but I'm not sure if I can go back home LOL XD

Anyway, I'm glad that this happens in my life. I don't know how they feel, but I wish they also have the best time in their life for becoming a butler.

I hope I can see all of you again someday… Atelier Royale.

I guess my thank you will never get enough… I felt like crying when parting and went home…

-Day 2, AtelierRoyale Café, end-

atelier royale

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