So most awesome birthday ever? Yes. Yes I think so.
This morning I wake up to a bunch of facebook messages from random high school friends. Veddy nice.
Lana wakes up and hops out of bet to hand me... A GO-CUP! So cool. Silver and professional, just like grown-ups.
In Japanese my friend hands me a card and a gift, very VERY cool.
The day continues on as per normal: phone calls, messages, conversations with old friends, loved ones and happiness.
Then I come home and help out with the cooking for dinner tonight (by help out I mean...slice bananas) and I am leaving to go upstairs when Angelica makes me come carry this tray out to the dining room where she announces my birthday and I am The Sung To. I turned red and was happy.
Just when I think its all over and Lana and I are going to go out and smoke the "19th Birthday Cigar", I carry Lana piggy back out of the room and she says, "Let's go to the common room so I can show you my right hook" and I say "Sure!" we go into the common room and BAM! Suprise Party with all my Hoyty-Toity lovahs. Honestly, I have never been more surprised. It was really amazing. Mint chip ice cream (so good) and coconut cakes awaited me and munching commenced.
My friends that were absent from said party (Alana and Angelica) make Sangria and the four of us (Lana, Me, Them) go onto our roof to drink and observe the city while inhaling our confections. Very awesome.
Then Lana and I are hanging out in our room and I'm changing pants and Lana attacks me when I'm only in my drawers. I mean full-on attack. So much that it drew the attention of those passing by...and let's just say that them opening the door to find a pantie-clad Hannah and a very flushed and eager looking Lana was HI-larious.
Oh, and I got quite possibly the coolest beanie ever from a very fantastic girl.
Thank you to all those who are so wonderful to me!
Angelica, Alana, Lana all waiting for me to take the pic-chya.
"I like that picture...we look like a couple, but who is the boy who is the girl?" <----Lana Marie Schide
Here's why Lana is cool: "I like that picture! I look so funny!"
See the totally awesome beanie? The character on the top says "BEAR"
And that's the only sweatshirt I have, dammit! I have lots more pics...but its one o'clock and tomorrow I have a Kanji test that I have to be up for by 8:15.