Weird o' Wonderful

Apr 23, 2011 15:22

A new events project has recently been established in in York, UK. The Weird o' Wonderful (Wo'W)  Lectures will take place on the second wednesday of every month, and will feature talks from authors, artists, academics, journalists, film makers (etc.) speaking on various weird and wonderful topics. Upcoming talks include the history of vampire killing kits; a recent poltergeist case; and zombies in films (by the makers of the cult web series Zomblogalypse)

Our launch event will be an evening with supernatural thriller author F.G. Cottam ('The House of Lost Souls', 'Dark Echo', 'The Magdalena Curse' and 'The Waiting Room'. For more information, go to our webpage

We'd be really, really grateful if you could spread the word (and, if you're on Facebook, like the community page)! Thanks.


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