Title : Matusmoto Jun: The Seductive Emperor of Arashilandia
Pairing : Matsumoto Jun X OC X Ohno Satoshi
Genre : Romance, Fluff
Rating : G
Disclaimer : Owns nothing but the plot~
A/N : unbeta-ed
Summary : Being the only son and next in line to the Throne, the emperor is keeping him within the confinements of the castle wall. Wanting to see the world outside, he insist on Satoshi to sneak him out with the conditions of disguising Jun as a commoner.
Few hours later, after much arguing and convincing, Ohno is giving Jun instructions and clothes to wear, since he can’t go out with his prince gown because that would be impossible. Having his trusted general, Sakurai Sho, to take in charge if someone is looking for the prince that he and the Shogun is in the library studying.
When the prince finished changing, they sneakily went out using the secret tunnel the Imperial family use when there’s an attack on the palace. They remove the leaves that hide the entryway and put it back once they opened the door. The Shogun lighted a torch and lead the way. Jun being excited and all can’t stop mumbling about going out.
“Can you please be quiet?” Ohno said.
“Sorry. I just can’t believe I will see the world outside the castle!”
“One more thing, once we’re out, please don’t act as if you’re a 5 year old kid who sees a new toy.” Ohno warned. “I don’t want to be seen with someone stupid-looking saying ‘Whoa! What is this? Isn’t that amazing?!’ Please act like a fine prince.”
“Okay.” Jun said.
“You promise?”
“I promise!” Jun grinned.
They got out to a small forest and walk towards the town market. When they arrived, no one noticed or recognize them and they were easily blended with the town people. Jun was so happy that he almost forgot his promise, and act like it was just a common thing to him. But he saw a Caravan with street performers who invites people to watch them on a show later that night. Engrossed, the prince followed the juggler. His eyes were not looking where he was walking, so he bumped into a young lady. She fell butt-flat on the ground.
“Ooww..” Jun hissed.
“Jun, are you alright?” Ohno helped him to stand up.
“Hey! It’s your fault! You’re not looking on your way. Now my kimono is dirty!” Shouted Yaney. She’s frustrated with her father’s stubbornness and now her kimono is dirty.
“My fault? You’re the one who’s running freely like a…” Jun said while turning on her, then stop when he saw her face. The most beautiful face he’d ever seen. The eyebrows crinkled together due to anger, her light brown eyes reflecting the sun like the golden leaf of autumn. The long lashes blinking like the wings of a butterfly. And the lips, the full supple red lips that he wanted to kiss forever.
“If you were only looking, you would see me running and could have avoided me!” Yaney snapped not noticing the other man.
“Jun, we need to go back.” Ohno interrupted.
“Do we have to now?” Jun answered back, not averting his eyes from the beautiful lady.
“Wait a minute” Yaney look intently to the other man then gasp. “You’re the Shogun! Your highness!” Yaney recognize the man then bow in front of him.
“Eh, you know me?” Ohno said, trying to remember the lady’s face.
“Yes, Your Highness. My family is indebted to you forever. I’m Fujiyama Takeru’s daughter, Yaney. The family of merchants you save from Toyotomi clan 3 years ago.”
“Ah, I remember that. You’ve grown to a fine lady.” Ohno complimented.
“Thank you.” Yaney blushed. “I was planning to enter Ooku this spring.”
“Eh? Does your father allow you to do that?”
“Not yet. I’m still convincing him. It’s the only way for us to say our thanks to you, Your Highness.”
“You don’t need to do that, it is my duty” Ohno smiled. “But if you’re already decided to enter Ooku, it would be my pleasure to accept you there.”
“It’s my honor to serve you, Your Highness.”
“I think you forgot about me.” Jun being ignored.
“Your Highness, I think you have an arrogant servant.”
“Servant? No, you got it wrong! I’m the Prin-” Jun shouted, but Ohno covered his mouth just in time before he could reveal his true identity.
“We have to go now.” Ohno said, trying to pull Jun away.
Somehow Yaney’s bad mood has gone after she saw Ohno Satoshi.