It all started about a year or so ago when I noticed a lump in my throat that moved when I swallowed. So I mention this to my doctor cause, you know, it might be something. They do an ultrasound and tell me it's a large nodule on my thyroid. Which is cool, everyone has them. But it is kinda big so they do a biopsy.
Biopsy comes back and the way they explained it was that the results were in this grey area in that, they're not sure if it's bad, they just know that it's not normal. But it's nothing serious so I should just come back in 6 months for another ultrasound. So I do.
The lump got a little bigger. This is when the doctor starts getting concerned and we start talking about surgery to get the left thyroid removed. Cause even though it doesn't seem to be a problem right now, it might become a bigger problem later on. I'm like "Ok. Fine. It's just my left side, right?"
But then it was pointed out that I had ANOTHER enlarged nodule on my right thyroid. So, to be prudent, they biopsy'd that. The results were exactly the same as the first test.
On the one hand, I really don't want to become dependent on pills for the rest of my life after removing something that probably won't ever cause me any great harm. But on the other hand, there's still a slim chance that it could become something serious years from now and who knows how long I'll have health insurance.
UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH This is so much to deal with! =______=