Dec 18, 2004 15:48
50 things you probobly didnt know about me, or who know maybe u did.....
1. when im bored i highlight my hair
2. i dont trust ppl easily, but im really gullible
3. i dont need to be with other ppl to have a good time
4. i think the beach is the most relaxing/best place in the world
5. going running makes me feel better
6. im a soccerholic, i dont just play it, im obsessed, i watch it on tv(and i yell and cheer when the team i want to win scores, and i yell at the refs, even though i no they cant hear me)i practice at least 3 times a week, have games on weekends, new cleats/soccer stuff makes me really happy, i have a net in my backyard, i juggle the ball when i watch tv, yea, im a soccer geek...
7. i love balance bars
8. i want a tatoo
9. needles scare the shit out of me
10. i like to bake
11. i am a good listener
12. i feel embarassed for ppl all the time
13. the music in abercrombie is enough to make me want to kill myself
14. scary movies, well scare me, and i refuse to see them
15. im a daydreamer
16. i dont open up to ppl unless they open up to me first
17. i am afraid of change, faliure and rejection.
18. cockroaches are gross
19. Finland is the most boring place alive, except for going to the city
there, i wouldent mind if i never went back.
20. i wish i never stoped surfing
21. i love dreyfoos, but i hate art
22. i hate drama
23. i had 11 stiches in my ear b/c i was chasing my brother around a glass table when i was like 5
24. i have ran away from the cops/rent-a-cops twice, and both times i was under the age of 13
25. i like airports, and planes
26. taco bell is the shit
27. i wish i was more sponatious
28. im not a risk taker and it sucks
29. ive never tried drugs, and i never will
30. every night durring the summer when i was 12 my neighbors and i would steal golf carts from the golfcousre and ride them around for hours, then leave them in a different sand trap every night, this would be one of those running away from cops experiences...
31. when i was little i was scared to swim alone in the pool cuz i thought that there would be crabs at the bottom of th pool biting my toes
32. im an easy cry, i cried in the lion king,the notebook, home is where the heart is...
33. my favorite movies are the ones about theives, good theives, i wish i could do that, but i have never stolen anything, well anything worth stealing.
34. i talk fast, really really fast when im nervous
35. peoples fisrt impressions of me are usually wrong
36. if i could i would eat a strawberry shortcake every day of my life
37. i love being tan
38. i cry when i laugh really hard, and my eye twitches
40. when i was like 8 i dismantled the alarm from my window, and i would sneak out routinely to go play manhunt/hide and seek with the guys.
41. when i was little i wanted to be one of the guys(cuz most of the ppl in my neighborhood were guys), so in order to prove myself i would play hockey, catch lizards, and run around with them, and i refused to cry when i fell and scraped my knee, which i did alot b/c i wanted them to see me as one of them, not "the girl"
42. i hate my legs
43. no matter what i say, i care what ppl think about me.
44. i do really strange things in my sleep(like peircing my belly buttun, trying to do push ups, getting up and trying to make pasta)
45. i can fall asleep anywhere
46. i have amazing friends
47. i dont like talking to ppl online, im bad at it(if its possible to be bad at talking to ppl online)
48. i feel unaccomplished if i go to the mall and leave with out getting something
49. i want to go to UF, UNC, or NotreDame, i decided this based on thier soccer teams, & i have no idea what i want to study.
50. i want to live in Europe at some point in my life.