Mar 12, 2005 05:11
I guess I'm meant to give a history of how I got to be doing what i'm doing, you know, what drew me into
music or whatever, but really, there's so little to tell. I just decided one day, and made it happen. I'd read an awful lot of Kathy Acker and decided I just wasn't doing anything. So I went home and started a band - albeit one that crumbled pretty quickly, but it was the beginning of something that's ended up becoming a really core part of me, and three or four completely unsuccessful bands later my friend Kathi and I formed Bikini Kill. That lasted for a solid seven years, and since our disbandment i've worked on so many things in so many areas that it's hard to keep track.
I'm not one of those people who can just sit back and watch, which is partly why I love living in New York so much. There's always something happening, everyone's got things prioritized and they just cut to the chase, as opposed to the West Coast where the pace is so much slower. I've always been more attracted to upfront people, so it makes sense to live in an upfront kinda city.
At the moment all my creative energy is focused on Le Tigre, which is so super fun to be a part of. We sing about books and feminist theory, play with samplers, and dance the robot. We just wanna make pop music you can get the fuck up and dance to, but that still means something, you know?
My politics and my music are intrinsic to my being, they mesh together, and there's no way I could ever separate that.
There is such a negative stereotype that comes along with the word feminist. Just hearing the naughty F word terrifies a lot of men. Scaredy cats. Perhaps they feel threatened by my refusal to keep my lips shut tight and painted glossy pink, an inability to control and mould me. Maybe they assume I hate them, their gender as a whole, that I'm an angry celibate bitch with no sense of humor and excessive hair under my arms. Of course, none of that is true - I revel in my sexual freedom and I wear heels when I wanna. In fact, I remember when I was younger, thinking I could challenge the perception of it, become a 'sexy' feminist, all make-up and miniskirts, but in the process fell right into the hands of bullshit capitalist ideology. These days i'm just me.
As many women are as ignorant to the politics of it as men. All it means is that I stand up for myself, get up on my soapbox and stand against people being treated badly just because of their gender or sexuality or race. No, we don't burn bras, but nor are we going to take oppression or judgment based on the fact that we're in posession uteruses. The way I see it, as a woman, you have two choices: feminism, or masochism.
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