(no subject)

Aug 08, 2006 18:05

Ever been to a festival before that you just love?
I have.
It's called Trästock and is located in a city called Skellefteå, in the north of Sweden. (the city that From First To Last was when they shot the video to "the Latest Plague")
The funny thing is that Trästock is Woodstock in English. *haha* I have been to Woodstock!!

It has all the elements a really cozy festival needs; good music, good variety of food, people dressing weird (scene kids) and of course wannabe rockers. ^_^ *so much love*
I went with (read: forcefully dragged) a friend that normally doesn't like to visit festivals, but she liked this one. Mainly because you could sit down on the ground to watch the artists. So lazy. *haha*

Well, we got there a bit later than I had expected because we missed most of the set from the group I had wanted to see; Randy. The little we saw was fab! They had on these pajamas with skeletons on them, made me want to cuddle!
And me being terribly stupid I forgot to take a picture of them.. *hits head on desk*
Randy is a great live band, full of energy and rock. Go see!

Next was a couple of pop/rock bands not half bad. ^_^
We saw Dub Sweden, playing soft melodic pop-songs and looking cute as buttons.

And the Slaves, who's singer bounced around on stage like he was on fire. Totally cute!

The best band of the night was Montt Mardié (strange name I know) playing poppy/melodic songs with hints of rock. I really recommend them to everyone, well worth the time to listen to. Especially the cover/their own version of "Come on Eileen"; amazing. The singer who's name I think was Daniel, had such a great personality that shone out over the crowd, and delivered 'in-between-song' talks with warmth and humor. Look them up!

The best thing about this festival is that it's drug/alcohol free (no need to worry about 14-year-old kids puking on your shoes) and it's free of charge. You don't have to spend a penny if you don't want to. ^_^

Festivals are the best; I wish I could visit them all...
Next year I'm going to Hultsfred and All That Rocks in Germany! I want to see bands that are somewhat famous now ^_^

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