Jun 15, 2004 13:10
To not allow children to wear religious dress in schools is blatant racism.
It will only encourage the segregation of people from different religions, teaching children that we should all dress the same, making them more likely to think of those who don't as weird and different because of their lack of contact with people of different religious and racial backgrounds.
Religion is not a part time activity, it SHOULD be practiced at school; you're not just Jewish (for example) when you're at home, you can't only keep kosher at home, you can't not wear your kippa all the time - it's part of who you are and it's always part of who you are.
Just heard on the news about the girl who isn't allowed to wear her religious stuff at school (I think she was a muslim but I'm not sure) and lost her court case about it, and had this big discussion/argument with Gemma and Tash about it. They think that everyone should look the same at school and that any religious wear or activity should not be allowed in school. It's pissed me right off.
They said where do you draw the line; if someone says that being naked is their religion, are we to allow them to run around school naked? For a start, being naked in public is illegal isn't it - so the question there isn't whether it's allowed in schools or not but allowed at all. It's a completely different thing, being naked to wearing your headscarf. Also, there's a difference between this random invented religion, and the major world religions that have, obviously, been around for a wee while longer and are not simply a question of random religious beliefs but also of race and custom and tradition and WHO YOU ARE.
Also, if we're asking where we should draw the line, where do we draw the line in regards to all looking the same? If we all have to wear identical clothes, are we all going to have to have the same colour hair too?!
It's made me irate. There's absolutely no justification for it, it's just plain discrimination and racism, and it's unnecessary and will only increase the distance between religions and between religions and the secular.
Had to have a rant in here because otherwise I would have shouted at them :-s