Mar 06, 2005 23:02
Weekend=fun. Friday Gigi picked maeliss and i up from school. went to our traditional starbucks and hung out, rent some movies, went 2 the store, and went back 2 gigis pad where we made killersalads, watched a movie, talked, then slept. sat. we woke up, mae got her legs waxed, we all took showers, mae and i got facials from gigi, went to the malibu country mart, saw 2 celeds on the way and 1 there, went 2 the market, went back 2 gigis pad, madd another killer salad, watched another movie, watched the southpark movie, talked for 2.5 hours, and went 2 bed. today we woke up, took showers, went 2 third street, shopped, saw brittany murphy, stalked 2 cute guys, went out 2 dinner at nuwab, and then i was dropped off at home. wow this was a great weekend, how was yours?