Odd, last week it was in the 80s up here at 6300 feet high in the Tehachapi Mountains. Then, as promised, it dipped into the 30s last night and I awoke to frosted pine trees this morning. Pictures I shot about mid-day will most likely be posted tomorrow by Teresa at her
velvetcyberpunk LJ, as I promised her she could.
Tomorrow (Sunday the 28th) night
kuragaritenshi Jessica
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how r u?
hows the puppy and other critters?
im hanging in there. really stressing about not having a job, about not knowing if i have a place to move into next weekend. missing dad a lot. grandpas really sick now. grams doing soso. and now my cuz has testicular cancer. its like, cant we get a break for awhile....
but im hanging in there. i still get up every day and i still am trying to move forward. thats what counts, right?
i hope that job that i have the interview for on tuesday will work out. im really excited about it. its an awake overnight staff for a group home of 6 clients, mix of males and females. all utilize wheelchairs. all are mentally retarded. do safty checks every half hour, every 2 hour bed turns, cleaning and other stuff in the home, and then helping get some of them ready for day programs. im excited about it. full time, with benifits. 10 hour shifts. work 4 on 4 off... :-D
hope your doing alright.
who is jessica exacatlly, cause shes 20 years younger then you....... i confuzzled
By the way, "confuzzled" is a word Jessica would use. She is a very dear friend whom I care a lot about, and I truly do think you'd do well in that job so you should get it. You have my best wishes on it. :~)
hehe. nice. must be our generation or something. thats cool. i was just wondering who she was cause you talk about her a lot and i was thinking she was your SO or something, but i never knew where her profile was to look at it. just curious. always looking for cool people to talk with and learn about.
i hope i get it. i really am excited about it. and im not nervous at all. i feel very very calm about it. thanks:)
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