
May 20, 2004 20:25

Hey e'vrbody! My day was all around good. Im really gettin bummed though. All my senior buddies are getting ready to go, and its takin a bit of a toll on me. Mostly because I know in only year I'll be at the same crossroads. What to do with my life... And on the other hand, I'm losin lots of friends that I can honestly say, I love (as friends). 1 year left! My life as I know it is passing by too, too fast. I need to stop worrying about it cause I know that one day I'll see all my buddies again. So, my anniversary is today. Technically, thirteen years is how long me and Lauren have been going out(yeah right). But most of my good friends dont even know I have a girlfriend. It sucks that I cant even see her today though. I sent her a bunch of cool stuff though, and she gave me lots of stuff last weekend when we were together. Which made me feel like an ass cause I SENT them instead of giving it to her over the weekend. I know she loves me though, regardless of my extreme stupidity. Maybe I'll get lucky and we'll see each other this weekend. I HATE LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!! Dont ever have one... On the up side, I am now a somewhat senior member in the un-elite Concord High School Leader Corps. We had a meeting today and we were talking about the 50 extra Leader Corps kids we have now. I guess anyone can be in Leader Corps now. I dont know what the hell Scal, Wils, and the administrators were thinking. They totally screwed over the seniors for next year. No retreat, and lots of ditzy blondes and potheads in Leader Corps now. FRIGGIN GREAT! So all the current Leader Corps kids will be gettin lots of ass and smokin a ton of weed next year. YEAH BABY! Not. Leader Corps is not what it used to be, and it can only go down from here, cause at the top thats the only direction to go right? Concord had the first and best Leader Corps and now its gonna suck. Too bad. I'm not gonna worry about it though. I can put it past me, but its a shame. Awww. I gotta go now cause I have to call my girl soon. i need to talk to her before it gets too late cause her parents get pissed when I call late. Whats with old people anyway. Thats it for today, so guten-noven. (I think thats German for good night)-A
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