I've been back in Baghdad for a couple days now. Feeling a bit blah about writing, so I haven't been.
Still waiting for some of the equipment for the Mosul ISP install to arrive. Shipping things into Baghdad is like working with some sort of inscrutable, capricious zen monk who is trying to teach you patience.
"Yes, grasshopper, the equipment is in Kuwait right now, it will be here by tomorrow."
"You said that yesterday, Master Dee Aitch Ell."
"What is the sound of a dish sitting in Kuwaiti customs?"
"I don't know, but it's a pretty fucking irritating sound, goddamnit!"
"And thus is wisdom delivered."
"You'll note that I wanted a dish to be delivered, and not your crappy wisdom. Please deliver the DISH!"
"Hmm. *shooka shooka shooka* Reply hazy, try again, grasshopper."
"A Magic 8 Ball? That's your source of Zen Wisdom?!" *twitch* *twitch*
So, yeah. That's my impression of the shipping situation.
Now, I'm off to watch shows with
giantlaser and