Sep 10, 2004 21:15
ok so curious savage is the most amazing play in the world and i cant wait to find out what happens in the end. i also really badly want tobe hannible but i'm totally being intiminated by every other male in the class who all seem so much more confident than me. except the other dan. i'm not intiminated by him cuz hes a bad actor. but the others are good and i have a feelign im going to be friken understudy which will embarass me to no end. i would rather not be in the play than be an understudy cuz that means that i feel all inadiquate and i dont know. and i heard kenny asking howmany crazy males are there and there are only two and he said he wanted to be a crazy one and so does dustin i think and they are both more expirenced than me. i need confidence and the only way i'm going to get it is if i'm deemed good enough to have a part in the play and not an understuddy part. i mean even if i get a not crazy person i still really want a part because waht i already said. as you can probably tell i'm pretty worked up over all this. i wish i wouldnt care so much and i also wish i wouldnt be so humiliated to be understudy. oh well we don't know who's who yet. so i guess we'll see. in ohter news there isn't really anything exciting in my life right now. i went to conkey's today for breakfast with corinne and friends and it was way fun and i hope we can do somethign like this every friday. and kire should come next time. i'm sorry for not inviting you kire but one we didnt have definate plans and two i assumed u would want to be sleeping. but i'm pretty sure u forgive me and i really shouldnt be makeing a big deal cuz its not that big a deal. which i hope doesnt offend you. god i'm a loser. hahahaah im so freaking insecure. this ties back into the whole play thing. omg three things made me laugh until i cried today. the first was bethany's expression and words when she saw her mom at school, the second was when i was at my friends house and his sister was watching fear factor and they showed a clip of a lady in a big padded suit running from a dog and the dog eventually caught up and attacked her and i couldn't stop laughing cuz it was the funniest thing in the world. even now i'm chuckling at it. and the third thing was telling my friend and his family about the carol poster in the science lab which rekindled my laughter for it. ok im done. ummm question of the day is honestly do you think i have a chance of getting hannible and thats absolutly honestly because i dont want anynoe to lie. the end.