[jp] seven deadly sins - which is your favorite?

Mar 14, 2009 12:57

NOTE: Bee and Claire are deep_red_bells and girl_ofsecrets respectively, and used without permission but a great deal of love, so anything ooc is my fault. Really, I only wrote this because Claire!mun wrote this, so it's entirely her fault. ;p

“She’s pissed, isn’t she?”

“Yyyyyyep.” Hank sighed, holding the phone away from her ear as Baileigh continued to rant and shriek on the other end of the receiver. “I think I can hear Ru whinin’, she got so shrill.”

“…I’m so going to kill you. In prison, you’re my bitch and I’m selling you for smokes.”

Hank glanced over her shoulder with a smirk, making her sultriest kissy face at Claire where she stood waiting to make her own phone call. “Ooh, baby, you know what I like.”

“Hurry it up, kid.”

“Fuck off! I got a right to privacy in my phone call, Malion.”

The officer narrowed his eyes, but didn’t squawk as she went back to listening to Baileigh rant.

“…wrath is a deadly sin, which your father can tell you when I tell him and he comes to kill you so I don’t have to…Jesus-tap-dancing-Christ, Hank!...”

“You done?”

“No. This is off the record and never to be mentioned under pain of death? But you better have broken her nose at least a little bit, because honestly, with hands like those she deserved about ten percent of getting on your bad side…okay, now I’m done.”

“Cool. Bail me out?”

“I’m tempted to let you stew for a night.”

“Thanks, Bee. You saved me from getting sold for smokes by my girlfriend.”


Rolling her eyes, Hank hung up the phone and lifted her cuffed hands to the officer waiting to escort her back to her cell. As she passed by Claire, she caught a confused frown.

“What was that about Malion? What you called him?”

"Malion…as in Pig-malion?” she whispered, winkng at Claire and blowing her a kiss before being hauled back to their cell while Claire called Adam to get her out.

Muse: Hank Callahan
Fandom: BtVS (OC)
Words: 304

who - baileigh solis, verse: searchlight (choices), jp: challenges, just prompts, who - claire bennet

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