ripped off Bee and King Midas (aka Sylar)

Feb 05, 2009 11:51

1) Go here to generate 10 random numbers between 1 and 100. DO THIS FIRST.

2) Then I will answer the corresponding questions from here.

Have at it, peeps.

what: memes and quizzes, verse: all

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hank_callahan February 5 2009, 20:41:32 UTC
79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?

Not a hell of a lot. Violence and mistreatment of kids...pedophiles piss me off, I've known some. Bigots offend me.

54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

Dead? My mom. She wasn't near as big a bitch as me, but she was a tough as nails broad and the best person I've ever known. Alive? My dad because nobody's ever loved me like he has. He also never treated me like anything less than a person. He's always been honest with me, never sugar coated shit 'cause I was just a kid. He won my respect for that from day one.

47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

Maybe I'm a sap, but I absolutely do. I've seen it, and I may be young but I know I'm knee-deep in that shit. My boyfriend is my first...well, everything...but there's something there that feels like forever.

92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that Slayers do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)

It's in my marrow, yo. Being a Slayer is what I am, like being human or being a chick. I know I retired, but it's still in me.

[locked to Sylar]

There's also part of me that enjoys doing what I do. There's nothing more satisfying to me in the whole fucking world than putting my foot up someone's ass, metaphorically speaking. Sometimes when I'm just so pissed I can't see straight, for whatever reason, the feel of my skin breaking when I slug a demon or a vampire is all that'll take that edge off. The violence is in my blood as much as the desire to fuck up the bad guys.


71. What is your most treasured possession?

Three way tie. There's my Robot Les Paul I got for my birthday? It's a custom job that belonged to Sal Vieri of Control Freak, and was signed by the whole band. He brought me up onstage on my birthday and gave it to me right off his fuckin' present ever.

Next to my next best possession, of course, which is the formal Bee gave me for my birthday. I wore it once to a dance, but I keep it in my closet with the door open so it's always on display. It was the most perfect thing anyone's ever given me 'cause it was the present I wanted most, but didn't know it.

Last is most obvious: Abe the frog. He's a stuffed frog holding a big red heart that Mom gave me when I was three or four. She named him, said my dad gave him to her before I was born. Abraham's Dad's middle name, so...yeah.

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?

My dad, my aunts Val and Mimi, Bee, Aunt Jules, Uncle Drew, Sass, Claire, Uncle Ethan, Aunt Terry...fuck, a lot of people.

27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

[locked to Sylar]

You can't tell ANYBODY my dad, specifically, but no, I ain't a virgin. My boyfriend got my cherry a while back. We were in New York when that damn vengeance demon turned Bee into the chick from Enchanted. Me 'n Joe were staying with a buddy named Carbone Karras and had separate rooms? But Boney was out that night and we were alone. I wanted to, so I went to his room...and nature took its course.


50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

Not really? I kinda look twice at anyone from the Bible Belt, and I hate cheerleaders. Except for Claire, she's immune to the prissy bullshit ego trip. She's cool.

20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.

Batgirl. I wanted to be Batgirl...yeah, laugh it up, but I grew up watching old reruns of the Adam West BATMAN show, and she was a redhead like me and Mom, who happened to kick ass. I was gonna be Batgirl when I was six years old, yo.

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

1) Be with my boyfriend one more time
2) Sit down with Bee and watch anything she wanted me to
3) Hug my dad one more time before I disappear...if I have a heads up I'm gonna die? I won't let him watch it.


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[locked] hank_callahan February 8 2009, 00:54:12 UTC
That's good to know...less for my sex life and more for...y'know. The rest. It's a little embarrassing.


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Re: [locked] hank_callahan February 8 2009, 20:59:16 UTC do?


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