[ooc] state of the muse

Feb 04, 2009 14:35

Hey, folks! Your friendly neighborhood mun here, updating the status of my muse and her worlds. Nothing serious, just clarifying mostly some AU's linked to other muses and...well, separating a special place for my favorite brand of crack: Hank!Crack. :P

For the purpose of organization, Hank's verses are as follows:

SEARCHLIGHT (Choices): Hank's primary world, ties heavily into the "Choices" verse spanning numerous muse journals. After accepting her place in the Callahan family, Hank lived briefly at Slayer Central in Searchlight, Nevada. When the move left her angry, lost, and hurting, she was sent home to Detroit, Michigan for a time and eventually chose to remain there. Hank is still living and going to school in Detroit, visiting her dad, fear_noevil, in Searchlight on occasion and making frequent weekend jaunts to New York to visit best friends deep-red-bells and girl_ofsecrets, Baileigh's fiancee elementof_risk, and good buddy mindisthemagic. Close friends in this 'verse also include no_substitution, we_standalone, and justifymy_ways. She is going steady and maintaining a long-distance relationship with joebartlett.

SEARCHLIGHT (Reason To Pray): This is Hank's secondary world. Basically identical to S:CHOICES, but follows the events of her father's AU 'verse where he and Sassafras Lally have parted ways, and is currently involved in a rather...interesting relationship with shes_thegeneral.

FREE FOR ALL: This is Hank's anything-goes style world. More or less follows the story and events to present of S:CHOICES and S:RTP, but here Hank can and probably will veer off her canon in any number of crazy ways...in other words? Danger: Crack Ahead. Currently, her relationships in this world include a developing friendship with the ghost of former American president and author of the Declaration of Indepencence, monticello_tj. Seriously...I wasn't kidding about the crack.

I'm going through her journal to make things easier to find by tag, and all entries from now on will be labeled to their corresponding worlds. That about covers it! Move along, nothing more to see...

who - the mun, verse: searchlight (choices), ooc - state of the muse, verse: searchlight (rtp)

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