from tex bennet

Jan 20, 2009 17:17

Write exactly what's on your mind, don't change it.

1. You and your ex = don't exist, still seeing my first boyfriend.

2. I am listening to = a demo Toca sent me

3. Maybe I should = stop being so bitchy?

4. I love = Joe

5. My best friend(s) = Sassy, Bee, and Mimi...Claire's got potential. What, it's on my mind!

6. I don't understand = why the PTB love to fuck with my shit.

7. I have lost my respect for = the PTB

8. I last ate = pizza at the mall

9. The meaning of my display name is = my name, shithead

10. God = can blow me

11. Someday = I'm gonna be able to make it through "When The Levee Breaks" without stopping

12. I will always be = the baddest motherfucker in the room

13. Love means = finding someone that gets your flaws, not just the cool shit

14. I never ever want to lose = my family

15. My LiveJournal is = a fucking party, come on down!

17. I get annoyed = easily. Seriously.

18. Parties = are a place to score beer

20. Simple kisses = are always fun and never stay simple, if you know what I mean

21. Today I = want to break shit

22. I wish = I could crucify the fuckwad that hurt Bee


01. Is your hair wet? No

02. Is your cell phone right by you? Yes.

03. Do you miss someone? Hell yeah

04. Are you wearing chapstick? No

05. Are you tired? Yeah

06. Are you wearing pajamas? No

08. Are you mad? FUCK YES.

09. Are you upset? FUCK YES.



Q: is there a person who is on your mind right now?

Do you have any siblings?

Do you want children?
How the fuck should I know? I'm seventeen!

Do you smile often?
Some, but not often.

Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?

Do you like your handwriting?
Dad says I should study medicine, I write like a doctor. When's the last time YOU could read the shit on your prescription? I rest my case.

Are your toenails painted?
Yeah...Mimi got bored last week and gave me a pedicure. They were gross at first, but the color's growing on me...Periwinkle Starlight, was it, Meems?

Are you a friendly person?

What color shirt are you wearing?
Black t-shirt

What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
Talking to Dad on the phone.

is fucking pissed, what: memes and quizzes, who - claire bennet

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