Apart from giving a shout-out to the various Doctor Who Christmas specials that have aired regular since the show's return in 2005, this also makes fun of the infamously horrible 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special that was so bad Star Wars creator George Lucas has refused to allow it to be officially released on home video.
Towards the end of the episode, Abed is sitting at home in his pajamas watching the Inspector Spacetime Holiday Special. "Happy Time Day, Reggie," says the Inspector as he hands Constable Reginald Wigglesworth a Time Day gift. "It is tradition to give one's Constable a gift at the end of each orbital cycle."
"Blimey! A hologram!" exclaims Constable Reggie. "Let's activate it and view the performance." Sure enough, a Star Wars-like hologram of a rock band appears and starts playing bad music.
Abed stares at the screen, finally declaring "This is terrible." Later, after Abed's friends arrive at his door singing a Christmas carol, they all sit down to watch the Inspector Spacetime Holiday Special. We hear the Inspector's arch-enemies the Blogons chanting "Eradicate! Eradicate!" followed by Santa Claus who wishes everyone a "Merry Time Day."
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