New Significator: Strength

Sep 25, 2008 12:56

I actually made changes to my LJ! I even added a new userpic! The last userpic added was before I got married. Maybe even before I started working.

Anyway, for my latest userpic, I decided to pick my current tarot significator, which happens to be strength a.k.a. lust (which I prefer, duh). This image is from the Art Nouveau Tarot deck, which doesn't really depict the lusty part of the card, but I couldn't fit the Crowley image into a square to my satisfaction, and I do not like rectangular userpics, so Art Nouveau it is.

This is who I am now, tamer of the (inner) lion. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't, but either way, I'm understanding of myself, but nonetheless persistent with myself, and I won't give up until the beast is a good girl. The Beauty and the Beast can get along and be friends now, and even help each other along. I'm not struggling against my self and hating who I am or what I do.

Strength is a cool card to have as a Significator. Pity that I just couldn't find the tarot image to represent all I wanted to symbolize in a 100px square. This post kinda just skims the surface of what this card tells me about myself, but I just don't feel the urge to express all that I am anymore. I am content to keep me to myself because inside here, the Beauty and the Beast are content to chill with each other and need no external affirmations anymore.


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