Query: He's neglecting me. Should I leave him?

Jun 14, 2004 23:12

(Seeker's significant other will be referred to as Sword-King.)
Spread: Good-bye Spread. This spread shows the situation if you leave him.
Deck: Rider-Waite. See this tarot reading

As I was shuffling the cards, the King of Swords fell out, and I knew immediately that this card was meant to represent him as he is currently. This is a man who puts his ideals and principles first, always. He can be loving and caring, but in that distant way specialized by those who are focused in intellectual pursuits. The Sword-King is currently pursuing his intellectual passions, problem-solving and experimentation. He believes that time with you is a necessary sacrifice for the sake of his principles.

Overall: Each suit of the minor arcana is represented in this spread, except Wands. As Wands is associated with fire, this spread is warning you that, though it is a pretty well-balanced relationship, there is a lack of passion focused into it currently. Yet two Kings have appeared in this reading, and Kings are associated with fire. This means that passion is available, but it is being directed elsewhere, and not into the relationship.

Card 1 (This is what you originally wanted): The Sun
The Sun is the card of childlike joy. This card, in this position, says you wanted a relationship filled with light-hearted fun and playful exploration. You want to feel the light fire of the Sun on your face.

Card 2 (How it is now): 2 of Swords (reversed)
Swords represent ideals, and 2 of Swords announce that there are 2 ideals clashing with each other. In this case, the Sword-King's needs to pursue his ideals are clashing with your need for simple pleasures. This ideals have clashed, and there is no real compromise. Yet the card is reversed, which could mean a lot of things. The most positive interpretation is that this clash is temporary and things will resolve itself soon. At worst though, it could mean that this clash is an underlying one, and will rear its head again ever so often, and if you stay with the Sword-King, you'll continue to suffer bouts of neglect.

Card 3 (What I am saying goodbye to): King of Cups (reversed)
If you leave him, you'll miss out on the loving side of this man. He is indeed a very caring man, who is loyal and protective. He's also a family man, and you'll miss out on learning what being a part of good family truly is like. This card implies that this relationship is a new one, but also a mature, well-balanced one. The reversed position of this card probably is representing the problem that love relationships is not his absolute first priority.

Card 4 (What remains behind): 10 of Pentacles
10 of Pentacles represent the good things in your life that lasted so long, they were passed down to you from your ancestors and will get handed over to your descendants. Note that these good things could be wealth, heirlooms, but also include the extended family, such as your grandparents, and cousins, who love and support you through thick and thin. This card in this position says that even without the Sword-King, you will still have your family and all that goes with them. This is not the fun and joy you want in the Sun card, but it's important that you don't undervalue what this card gives you.

Card 5 (How it will be from here): Strength
In the end, whichever way you go, Strength will see you through it. The Strength represented by this card is not the hard strength of a big bully. This is the strength it takes to face the most frightening monster you've ever known, and making that monster your friend. It's the strength of willpower, patience, and love, freely offered. You have plenty of it, and whichever way you choose, you will be okay.


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