Title: The Letter
Summary: "I’ve just come to the realization that “living fast and dying young” just isn’t what I want anymore"
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Season 2 finale. "Cyberwoman"
Rating: Probably PG-13.
Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just having a play!
A/N: Just wanted to try something. Please let me know what you think! Un-betaed all mistakes = me.
“Ianto! Are you nearly ready? We need to head out soon; Gwen’s waiting for us at the SUV!” Jack shouted down from his office.
“Yes Sir, I’m just finishing up this report, I’ll be right out.” Ianto frowned and carried on typing.
Dear Jack,
I’m just going to be blunt. I’ve been thinking for a while now, that I should just pack it all in (don’t worry I’m not the suicide kind of man anymore - thanks to you), I of course mean Retcon.
I hope you don’t take this as yet another betrayal from me but these past few months, losing Tosh and Owen have taught me that life is just too short. I don’t know whether I’ll ever gain the commitment from you that I need. You pieced me back together after Lisa, bit by bit and I thank you so much for that and I want you to know that I don’t begrudge you wanting to be with other people. I can’t imagine how lonely life must be for you and I just hope that you find love and whatever sort of peace you can after I leave. Please don’t try to make me come back. I haven’t set a trigger for myself, so I highly doubt I’ll remember you even if you try.
I haven’t yet decided whether or not to take away my memories of Lisa and Torchwood 1. They hurt so terribly, but they made me the man I am today. However, I do feel like the only way I can start another life, is to forget about Canary Wharf and Cybermen and Daleks.
I know that I’m taking the coward’s way out but I’ve just come to the realization that “living fast and dying young” just isn’t what I want anymore. I’ve always been prepared to die for Torchwood, even expected it, but I’d like to take the slow path for once y’know? Maybe settle down and have kids, grandkids (great grandkids if I’m lucky).
I don’t want you to think at all that this is in ANY way your fault! It’s really really not. I love you so much and I know that in your own way you love me (though you’d never admit it). It’s just time for a change. Please have a happy life! You’ll find somebody else who can make the coffee and clean the Weevils just as good as I can, and eventually you’ll find somebody who you love unconditionally.
Please don’t forget me.
Yours forever,
P.S I’ve left a letter for Gwen on her desk.
4 days later, Ianto Jones, Torchwood 3 disappeared forever.
When he left, he left behind one best friend, who had recently discovered she was pregnant and had been planning on making him the Godfather.
He also left behind one man with a broken heart, who that very day had been out searching for the perfect ring.
However a man named Oliver Smith woke up from a coma which had lasted 4 years. He discovered that he was a receptionist, with a small flat in the city and he immediately began to wonder: “what happens now?”