July 1
Happy Canada Day!
We had a lovely but all too brief visit with Frank J before he headed on to Toronto via a few local wineries (Wayne Gretsky's and Dan Ackroyd's). I hope to see him tomorrow at the BBQ. I can't leave until the new fridge arrives.
July 3
Well this vacation was a total bust. Spent all my time dealing with various issues and stupid broken fridges. Missed the BBQ yesterday which I was really looking forward to. Got no time for myself at all. It's sad when the highlight of your weekend is babysitting a guinea pig. At least he was fun.
July 4
Happy July 4th to all my American friends!
July 8
There goes the last shuttle launch!
I'm dogsitting this weekend while my brother's family is off to NYC. Jade is more work than the guinea pig but she will be fun to take walks with.
July 10
Interesting start for Torchwood: Miracle Day. What did you think?
July 11
We had a wonderful night out at "My Fair Lady" at the Shaw Festival in NOTL. absolutely outstanding production! They really earned the standing ovation.
July 15
This is pretty amazing!
Rube Goldberg device July 18
It is so damn hot that instead of going home to my un-air conditioned apartment, I am comfortably ensconced in a positively chilly hotel room.
July 21
2:46 pm - I am leaving now for Michigan!
5:49 pm - Just crossed the Bluewater Bridge.
July 22
Breakfast = home made waffles with fresh blueberry sauce plus crispy sausages and hot coffee = happy me!
July 24
3:32 pm - I don't want to go home.
9:14 pm - I've arrived safely back in NF. Sigh.
11:08 pm - Thank you so much to @Don Wenzel, @Anne Evans and @Dustin Wenzel for the fabulous hospitality, delicious food and chair guarding. Best weekend I've had in a long time.