The topic was ethical relativism. The professor showed us the first part of an AlJazeera English Witness program in 2009 covering bride kidnappings in Krygyzstan.
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In the beginning several men talked of kidnapping a woman previously and one of the woman's relative told them:
"A girl is like a foal. She's seen nothing in life... Of course, when she gets married, she'll cry and fight and resist but when she's broken and harnessed, she'll become obedient like a good horse and then she'll be happy."
Then they say "oh, wait, that sound a bit bad. But that's just how it is."
Then they interview a celebrity who starts singing a song with lyrics "Grab her and run. Stallions should run free. Brave lads should keep their dignity."
A man, Ilyas, and some of his friends or male relatives go out to kidnap someone. His mother told him to. The woman, each son's wife, stays at his family's home and help their family-in-law. Ilyas's mother, Chlonopon, is getting old and wants help around the house. The mother tells them "Be skillful in your kidnapping. Don't make me suffer and get stressed. We want the scandal and screaming kept to a minimum. The less screaming, the better."
The mother said the kidnapped women couldn't resist. She says:
"The girl will not run away. She will not dare to do so.
No girl refuses because if she does, everybody will think she's been married.
People will not longer think of her as a maiden, but as a woman.
She would be ashamed in front of everybody. She will be disgraced. The best she could then hope for would be to marry as a second or third wife. That's why she won't say no."
Apparently women's virginities are questioned if they even spend a night over at the man's house, even if nothing happened, even if she wasn't raped. What do you think bringing an unwilling woman will result in?
They bring in a woman screaming and crying. They kidnapped her at her father's funeral. Someone said that's why her brother was there, "behaved so badly" and was at the house throwing punches and that the kidnappers should have "waited several days and then everything would be ok." Yeah, don't kidnap a female-looking thing at her father's funeral. Kidnap her at a more convenient time. (Sarcasm there.) The intended groom doesn't even know her. She is a perfect stranger to him. He doesn't know her age, her name...
The mother, the putrid sack of shit she also is, says the poor will "will be a shame to her parents. They will be so angry with her. We can't just sit here and do nothing. We've got to go and get her back." [she ran away] Guess what, bitch? Her parents won't be angry at her because her father is dead. You put your son's relatives to kidnapping her!
The video wasn't the entire episode. After it ended, the professor asked for opinions. I said it was fucked up but I was far back in the auditorium. Someone (male) said "You don't even need roofies, you just shame them!" Other boys joked that it was nice, you didn't even have to go out on dates and try to find girls interesting. They'd like to move there.
I was suppose to meet two people for a finance group assignment due Friday, after ethics. I told them I was leaving, I'm sorry and I left with about 30 minutes left of the class.
THIS after reading
an article, in the morning, about a Japanese mayor saying the forced prostitution of of Asian women before and during World War II was necessary to "maintain discipline" in the army and provide "rest" for soldiers who risked their lives for their country.
Why do people view females as objects? It's fucked up.
After I walked out of the university, I did errand shopping for my mom and dropped groceries, coins, receipts, fumbled packing up groceries.... I couldn't concentrate. When I got home, I looked up more on the topic and upset myself more.
I slept. Then kept a movie outing with people - Iron Man 3 - and came back home and got upset again. I will probably take my antidepressants tonight - it's already 01.31 - with extra and maybe Klonopin. I didn't buy junk food earlier. I already finished my alcohol sometime last week.
I started smoking, earlier this month. My vices and self-destructive tendencies are coming to the forefront. I see my therapist in about 17 hours. I sometimes feel like she dismisses my emotions but maybe I need to be reasoned about my emotions and how to cogitate myself out of the cycle of negative thoughts, so long as I first have a digital listening ear and a resting shoulder so I don't feel invalidated.
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