I woke up this morning to news that apparently Amazon.com pulled Macmillan books from their site. Both print and e-books. Apparently it was because of a disagreement about e-book pricing. Amazon.com wants to keep it at $9.99 while Macmillan wants to push it up to $15. Here's an article on
New York Times about that.
I found out about this through various author's LJ's I read. (Other authors I follow haven't mentioned it yet.)
Catherynne ValenteJay LakeElizabeth Bear I'm pretty disappointed Amazon.com did this. *scratches head* I don't have a Kindle, so prices of e-books doesn't matter to me. But it seems pretty shitty to me that Amazon.com does all this stuff randomly and without warning, just like when all the pro-LGBT books disappeared on us a few months ago. WTF, Amazon?
Macmillan is a huge publisher, and looking at their website, I see Tor is under them. I buy a lot of my fantasy books from Tor (like the Kushiel series by Jacqueline Carey). I suppose I should be glad the new Kushiel series is published by Grand Central now. Still... I also have a few textbooks from Macmillan. 3rd party sellers can still sell Macmillan books on Amazon.com, but Amazon.com themselves aren't selling them.