May 05, 2005 09:49
Main Entry: in·som·nia
Pronunciation: in-'säm-nE-&
Function: noun
: prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep called also agrypnia
yessir, that would certainly classify me i think. at this point at least. its 4 am. yay myth of global chaos.
random thoughts floating through my head
1. really, is globalization good or bad?
2. what shoes can i obtain (for free) that will go with my new dress for the grad party?
3. should i smoke another cigarette or go upstairs?
4. i really need one of those sleep mask things. as long as it doesnt pull. sunlight wakes me up.
5. kate and i have decided we do not know any single straight guys. at all. none.
6. who the fuck files into the library at 4:01 am? these crazy people who just walked in.
7. i have no money.
8. how do i get it.
9. is exchange factor taking clothes right now? do they take putumayo clothes?
10. i need a low stress high paying job.
11. i wonder how many people are in the library right now who do NOT have exams tommorow. besides me.
12. where the *& is joe?
hmm. ok, night night.well, not really. but goodnight to you all.
ps. i want to plan a theme dinner party. cocktail hour style. and i want a theme. how do i pull it off. and where.