(no subject)

Mar 16, 2004 19:22

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I thought friends were ones you found at age five and then live on workking through hard times together, you know caring about each other. I don't understand it at all now, i am so confused. People are so wierd sometimes, seriously if you have something to say, say it even if it does hurt me. i despise mind games. i mean why did we learn how to talk, so that we could Communicate not fucking communicate so that your saying one thing and meaning the other. I wish i was six, it wasn't so complicated. I mean i thought i was here to live and have fun, i didn't realize that we live and then when we die we might go somewhere for all eternity, like heaven or there might not even be a heaven like you just die and its all black. i dont know but im fucking scared. i usually don't admit that but i am. I don't want to know about all the crueltys in the world, i wanna be innocent. Now im scared to be an adult, i mean if i am thinking like this now what will i be thinking when i'm like 30 of 60, ill probably kill myself because i wouldn't know what to do with the rest of my life.

There is a point to life, I am not able to find it, but I know there is one because if there wasn’t then we would not be here. Is there a god, I don’t know, no one does know for sure, the people with faith believe in some sort of god. Do I believe, I am not sure but if there was why do all the bad things happen, probably to teach us something or maybe he protects us from the worst things that are possible. You never know. Is there an ending, a fear which keeps me up in the night, if there isn’t than what do we do for all eternity, sit on a cloud? Are some people here to show examples for others and only some of us get the luck of having a good and meaningful life, or all we all here together. I hope we are here to work together. What are dreams, how do we see them so clearly and why can’t we see these same images which are so clear when we are awake. Time passes by, are we supposed to remember everything or just forget the past. To forget is to not learn, we remember things which we or are feelings reflect upon which have meaning to us, is that the meaning of life, the point? Or is it as simple as just to live, am I thinking to deeply about life, is it just to live, smell, hear, see, taste and feel. Whoever can answer these questions is just another believer in whatever, there is no right answer… is there a right answer to life?

Why am i such a freak? ew....peace thanks for livejournal whoever made it
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