
Sep 21, 2011 20:05

It has been a LONG drive, to say the least. I am happy to be home, in my blue recliner, listening to my little mutt bark nonstop. When I got home, I made my way to the yarn stash. I pulled out some yarn (yellow, brown, and beige), and thought that I would cozy up, and get to work on crocheting. Well...I quickly came to find that I do NOT want to crochet. No sir! Not today! Not in any way, shape, or form. Tonight, I just want to crash. I will veg in front of the TV, and that is about it.
What can I say? Well, it was an AMAZING trip. We had such a blast. It was the PERFECT birthday for my mom.
We got there this past Sunday. After checking in, and making sure that all the luggage was in the room, we did what most people would do, after spending 4.5 hours in a car. We bee-lined for the bar. The drink of choice: Hurricane. And, not just in any glass. No way. A typical glass would just NOT work. We were there to celebrate, after all. So, we needed to have a celebratory drink, in a MASSIVE glass. The choice was a 60 ounce schooner. (I should say here that I really doubt there is much more alcohol in this glass, than one would find in a can of beer. But still, it is a blast to drink from a glass so FRIGGIN big, that a fish could live in it.) We gambled for a bit...Each of us made 10 bucks last for 2 days straight. How cool is that?
Monday...a trip away from Laughlin. We crossed the river, and were officially in Arizona. We made our way to Oatman, which was a blast, as well. It is this small little town, but it packs quite the punch, for a fun day out.
We were greeted by the locals...

Yup, those are donkeys. Just running all over the street. How friggin cute is that. One of them, a little baby, had a sticker on his head, telling visitors to not feed him.

Now, is it just me, or is this the CUTEST friggin donkey, EVER! He followed us around, the whole time we were there. And, he was all about getting a pat on the head. I wish I could have donkey-napped him, and brought him home with me.
More casino time, and a trip to an 'Outlet', where everything was priced higher, than at the normal stores. (What the heck is up that?) We had dinner at this Italian restaurant, in our hotel. And, it was awesome.
This morning. The sad realization, that the vacation was, in fact, over. We had breakfast at the buffet, where I ordered myself a  yummy omlet. Then, the car ride of eternity, as we made our way home.
And, here is the kicker, to the whole thing.
During the vacation, I walked just shy of 10 miles, total. (Granted, most of the time it was with a walker, but still.) And...No falling! Not once.
You wil have to forgive me for my absence. There was the vacation, and before that, I was busting my butt, on school work, so I wouldn't have to worry about that much, on the trip.
But, here I am...Back, and happy to be home.
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