Talk About Multi-Tasking

Aug 19, 2011 10:13

First off...
My mother is not feeling well. And, obviously, I feel for her. I mean, feeling icky is never fun. And, I know that the whole feeling, comes with this OVERWHELMING desire, to be a big old poop-head, to anybody, and everybody. I mean, if you don't feel good...then, dammit, why should you be forced to be pleasant? I understand that. Believe me, I understand...
But, just because I understand it, does not mean that I have to accept it. Seriously...My mom has been nothing, but a very snippy (Notice how I am keeping it kind) person, today. She is snapping at me, left and right. I am seriously thinking about crocheting a gag, and using it on her. At least then, I could get rid of the nastiness, flying out of her mouth. (Hello...She just about BIT MY HEAD OFF, because I didn't finish my second cup of coffee. Oh my God! How TERRIBLE! Michael left coffee in his cup! He must be executed, IMMEDIATELY!!!) Sweet Lord, it is a good thing I am not manic. I would need a FRIGGIN LIFETIME supply of Zoloft, after dealing with her, for the first  few hours of this morning.
Oh well...I am sure the next time I feel under the weather, I will be less than pleasant, myself. So, all is good.
My sweetie spent yet another WHOLE DAMNED DAY, at the Moose. This makes it ONE WEEK SOLID, that the Moose has claimed my sweetie, from morning to night. I am, as I am sure you can imagine, less than thrilled over this. I mean, great! You have fun at the Moose. Awesome! Even I will admit that, at times, it can be fun. But, COME ON! When you spend every FRIGGIN waking hour there, what is left for your family? I mean, seriously? And, to make it even funnier, this is from the same person, who told me that I was spending too much time with yarn. HELLO!!! At least I can manage a few hours (or more) a day, with my family.
It is seriously getting to the point, where I am going to have to put my two cents in. And, I already know how that will go. I will be an 'unreasonable, uncaring ass', and everything I say will go in one ear, and out the other. Seriously, any conversation meant to resolve anything, seems to be shut down IMMEDIATELY!
Oh well...Moving on. (Because just writing about this, is giving me a headache.)
Damned being broke. Let me tell you how FRIGGIN much it sucks.
I was on Etsy yesterday, just cruising around, after posting the purse. And, I saw the coolest friggin terrarium. It is a completely closed terrarium, and has this whole fairy tale vibe going on. Needless to say, I absolutely love it! But, sadly...It is not meant to be.
Oh well...I have my own three open-topped terrariums, which are doing just fine. So, that is cool. I may, over time, experiment with making closed jar terrariums. What can I say? I absolutely LOVE these things. They are just so AWESOME!
In other news...
I will be finishing up the first witch hat, which I plan to post in my shop tomorrow. It is black, with a green band, and green eyelas yarn, at the edge of the brim. It is super awesome. And, it was such fun to make. And, for those of you who want custom made things, I am going to do them. I will let you all know when the items you ask for are done. I will be making two more witch hats, after finishing this one. First, I will a purple and black, with a bat, as asked for. And, I will also work a candy corn witch hat.
One final thing, before I go...
As most of you know, I have recently started keeping a handwritten journal. In this journal, I am working with affirmations. Each week, I will randomly pick a new affirmation, from the collection of cards, I printed out from online.
My current affirmation I am using is: Wealth pours into my life. I started working with this affirmation, this past Tuesday. And, as I had just set up my Etsy shop, I chose to take it as a good sign.
Yesterday, while writing, I began to see the numerous different types of wealth, I already have. And, I would to share them with you.
First, I talked about being wealthy, because of you guys. You all chose to follow me from my last blog. And, I am still so thankful over that. Just knowing that you all are out there, reading what I write, and that you cared enough to follow me to this new blog. Well, I consider this something that makes me wealthy. You all are such awesome friends. Thank you.
Then, there is the wealth of being able to walk. I mean, just years ago, I thought I was wheelchair-for life. Now, just look at me. Up, and walking around. If this isn't wealth, than I don't know what is.
Learning to work with yarn, is another thing that I feel fits here.
So, for that matter, is school. I have a wealth, of so many different opportunities, and talents.
And, I am wealthy because of my family. There is so much love. Sure, we fight, and bicker. But, at the end of the day, there is unconditional love. What more could anybody ask for?
Wealth. It is so easy to relate this word to money. And, by doing so, we limit its true defition. Wealth is having an abundance, of anything, in your life. And, there really are so many things, that I am wealthy in.
Now...if only I could win the lottery, I would have it made. =)
Well...That is it for today. I am going to go outside, and walk some laps. Then, I have a witch hat to work on. And, I also plan on working on my mother's Christmas afghan today...Even if only just a little bit.
Until tomorrow...

Happy crocheting!

masks, yarn, halloween, pattern, terrarium, crafts, livejournal, yarnie, projects, family, crochet

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