My Perception of time is Skewed.

Aug 19, 2010 00:32

So ridiculously skewed.
I thought today was tuesday, it is not.

Anyways, I thought I would make an update on my relatively boring life for ya'll.

It helps me keep track.

-So I started my contract this week, my base hours are Tuesday and Saturday nights closing self serve, which is kind of annoying but at least it's not registers, plus I'm working with supervisors who double as friends those nights so that's always good. And I also get extra hours so yeah, it's all money. As of now both my parents are currently unemployed so It's good to have some guaranteed income, even if it's not that much, it's still reassuring.

-So I've been doing corset making at Sydney community college for those who are unaware, it's a five week course and so far going good two weeks in.
Last week we were fitting our toile, which is basically a calico foundation to make our patterns so they fit perfectly, or whatever. So I was sitting on the end of the table riffling through my stuff when Grant, the only guy in our class who is also quite attractive, appears next to me from across the room and says "you looking for a partner?"
Like why is this happening to me, seriously.
Because fitting basically involves just that, so there was lots of ladies standing round in bras and singlets, but I was totes wearing a long sleeve top because I'm so self conscious and shit, so of course I have to fit the attractive man right? Figures.

On the other hand, I found out his name, age and occupation. He's really nice, says his job is boring hence doing weird college courses, and is 28. This freaked me out because he's quite small and youthful, I would have said early/mid twenties but I guess it just proves I fail at guessing ages.


-So yeah working is fun, planning to go to see SKSK last shows in Wollongong Sunday, should be interesting. Then racing back to work Monday, luckily it wasn't a long shift.

Freaked out beacuse there was heaps of money in my bank account today, but then I realized that my tax must have gone through, so now I just have to somehow not spend it and save for tour in Sept, I guess I'm too busy working to spend money right? I wish.
Ebay is not my friend.

I'm also looking at getting a new phone, and since I can't afford outright a good phone, on a plan, most likely $29 a month, plus insurance. Which would be good, since both my phones are broken and shit, plus I never have credit and this way I wouldn't have to be a stingy bitch about calling people, haha.

The only problem is I've still got about $20 credit on my phone, so It feels like a waste if I don't use it before I get a new phone, I'll have to try find out what happens to the unused credit etc.

Also I would like to thank the Jeffrey family for housing me all weekend, and lending me clothing. I went there after the movies Friday and didn't leave until Sunday afternoon. This was unplanned, how annoying must I be, haha sorry.
I'd also like to thank my family for not noticing my disappearance, how reassuring in the instance of actual abduction to know of your concern for my whereabouts. And special thanks to my broho for taking approximately 15 hours to call me back, good effort.

-Basically worked 9-5, The computers broke for like half an hour so I talked to Jane and read magazines, which was pretty cool.

After work I got the bus to collaroy and met Chloe and Geordie. Had a chat and made dinner, good catch up.

Apparently I forgot to tell them I was going to uni next year because when I saw them a few weeks ago Chloe freaked out when I mentioned something about moving to Canberra, it was pretty funny.

Another funny occurrence worth sharing was Chloe poking her head out of the bathroom and telling us she'd dropped her phone in the toilet, which then lead to Geordie sticking his arm into the loo and fishing it out, hilarity ensued.

Life is so (not that) interesting.
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