Application for asgardeventide

Dec 12, 2011 10:18

One little soldier girl left all alone...

She went and hanged herself, and then there were none.[ OOC BASICS ]
TIMEZONE: Mountain
AIM/EMAIL: dangerderp/pariah164 at gmail

CHARACTER NAME: Seiko Shinohara
AGE: 16
HOUSE: Sigyn
POWER: Healing
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Permanent scarring at the area where the bottom of her chin and her neck meet, from where she was hanged
HISTORY: Have a TV Tropes page


Seiko is, upon first glance, the typical energetic girl that seems like she'd be on the cheerleading team were she an American high school student. Nothing in this world seems to get her down, and her overwhelmingly positive attitude could probably solve the energy crisis, if someone learned how to harness it. She is also a very affectionate person, and this is where her good nature gives way to, well, her perverted self.

When it comes to her friends, she can be very touchy-feely; she will grope you, and have no shame about it, merely smiling and giggling if she's scolded for it. This really kicks in when it comes to her best friend Naomi. Comments about 'dat ass' and wanting to fondle her are not at all uncommon things to hear from Seiko. This may just be a way to rile up Naomi, but she also seems to show a genuine attraction to her friend. Despite this, Seiko is Naomi's number one supporter when it comes to her crush on Satoshi, their mutual friend. This proves that all she wants to see is her best friend happy, even if it's not with her.

Seiko's unnaturally optimistic attitude leads to the first fight she has with Naomi, and despite how upset Seiko is, it doesn't take long for her to use her cell phone to send a text message to her friend, titled 'No Hard Feelings'. Sadly, she didn't manage to send it, as Naomi was taken over by the Darkening (an evil energy that possesses people), and killed Seiko by hanging her in a bathroom stall. Even after dying, Seiko showed her caring nature, asking Satoshi from beyond the grave to look after Naomi when the Darkening once again took hold of her. Despite the fact Naomi killed her, Seiko forgave her, as evidenced in the true end of the game. To help Naomi fully overcome her Darkening, she sent her the last text message over and over again.

The most surprising aspect of Seiko's personality, and probably how she can stay ever the optimist, is the fact she has quite the motherly side. Three years prior to the game, her mother disappeared, leaving Seiko with her father and her three younger siblings. Being the oldest, Seiko took the mantle of being the mother to her younger siblings, often cooking for them and cleaning around the house. Seiko quickly became the glue that held her family together after their mother vanished, making her death in the game all the more tragic.

Despite her apparent ability to laugh in the face of danger, Seiko is as much of a girl as anyone. When she and Naomi run into their first dead body, she's obviously creeped out, and then Sachiko's appearance sends her running and screaming. That's not even going into how creeped out she appeared to be when she accidentally stepped into the fresh remains of another student. However, she seems to have a stronger stomach then Naomi, able to describe what was on her foot without getting queasy. Namely, her quick recovery from such things was what spurred her fight with Naomi.

In summary, Seiko is a good person and a true friend (albeit a little perverse); she's just a little too upbeat, sometimes.


Network Sample;

[A brunette with curled hair peers into the camera, a grin on her face.]

Hm hm hm~. It seems that the school was lying to everyone, once again. From the looks of it, heaven does exist, doesn't it? It's so warm, and it feels so peaceful. And hey, even got a letter from God Himself! Can't really dispute that evidence, can ya?

I gotta say, I'm glad I'm out of that place; I would've tried to bring the others along, but this just sorta happpened. Couldn't really control it or anything. I'm sure they'll find their way here sooner or later.

I hope my brothers and sisters will be okay without me... They really can't cook that well on their own. My little brother's idea of dinner is a piece of cheese on toast, you see. While it's not bad, it's not really that filling either.

[She chuckles a bit.]

Ah, I guess before I keep babbling on... I'm Seiko Shinohara. Are you all dead too? Or are you angels?

Log Sample;

The feeling of helplessness was something Seiko didn't really approve of, though she supposed that was her lot in life - or death, as the case may have been. She watched with a frown as Naomi watched the tape and learned the truth - that Naomi had killed her. No, that wasn't right; the Darkening had taken hold of Naomi, and made her kill Seiko. But the video was enough to send Naomi into despair, and Seiko watched the Darkening slowly creep around her best friend.

"No..." Seiko bit her lip; she had to do something. Finally, she smiled, and inexplicably, a cell phone appeared in her ghostly hands. She could only do one thing, but she hoped it would be enough to bring her friend back. Instantly, her last text message materialized on the screen, the title clearly reading 'No Hard Feelings'. This time, when she hit send, Naomi's phone went off right away. But even Seiko knew just once wouldn't be enough. Again and again she sent it, and she couldn't fight a laugh when Naomi commented about spamming her inbox. But she kept sending it, over and over, her every thought focused on getting Naomi freed of that which threatened to take her over once again.

"It's okay, Naomi..." Seiko know her best friend couldn't hear her, but she spoke anyway. "There's nothing to forgive. You're my best friend. I love you..." Send. Send. Send. "Snap out of it already... Satoshi and the others are waiting for you." More and more, she sent the message, until finally, Naomi freed herself of the blackness that threatened to overtake her. She ran to find the others, unknowingly leaving Seiko behind. Smiling, the brunette let the ethereal phone vanish from her fingers, looking to the TV. Frowning, she gave it a kick.

"That's for making the one I love more than anything else fall into such despair." And just as quickly, she smiled. "But guess what? I win."

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