Homeland S2E5 - Q&A

Oct 29, 2012 13:05

Has anyone noticed, by the way, that the proposed title for Episode 11 is, quite literally, "The Motherfucker with a Turban"? I'm shocked that a TV show would put a swear word in an actual title. O_O

Now, to Episode 5! (images are clickable thumbnails)



David Estes, your ass is grass and Carrie's the fucking lawnmower. Jerk.

My thinking is that in the discussion they're having about whether Brody "made" Carrie - I don't think he did. But she wanted revenge, and she needed an excuse to do it. So she forced everybody's hand. XD

"You can go home now."


But YAY SAUL! He vouches for her and she watches along with Saul as Quinn interrogates Brody. Unbelivably, Brody seems to believe he can still brazen it out, get out of jail free, until...

"My name is Nicholas Brody..."


But they haven't really got him yet. All they know is that they could put him on trial, use the video as proof enough to convict him in the court of public opinion, but throwing him in Leavenworth (or even executing him) won't uncover Nazir's plot.

So Quinn starts getting a little rough! :O

He gets dragged out kicking and screaming as a shocked Saul and Carrie look on. But that gives Carrie the chance to seize the opening, and holy good gravy, this part of the episode? Woooow. Talk about the most emotionally intense thing I've ever seen! She confesses to Brody things she's never told anyone else - and the beauty of it is that even we the audience don't quite know if she's doing it for show, to make a connection with Brody, or if she's being for real and skirting the edge of imbalance.

The scene where she gives him water and carefully unlocks his handcuffs really struck me as beng akin to the way Abu Nazir (in flashbacks) carefully gave water to Brody. In a sense both Nazir and Carrie were manipulating Brody through kindness, but I think on her part it's a bit more genuine because she formed an unintended emotional bond with him. She reinforced that very cleverly by turning off the cameras (but leaving the sound) to give her and Brody a sense of isolation.

I keep saying she's a chessmaster in the making, and things like this really show how she's getting there.

And then she slowly and carefully breaks through his lies, using the same level of obsession with the details of his life and her knowledge of his doings to do it.

Above and beyond the call, Carrie. Reaching out to the man you hated for destroying your life. :O All in the service of an organization that threw her out because she was crazy. :O

And finally, she's done. She's managed to connect to Brody, get through his lies.

She's won.

For Carrie's it's almost like revenge is a dish best served hot, but she manages to do more than just immediately gloat over her opponent. Chessmaster, indeed.

What's interesting is after the interrogation, Brody seems to have reverted, sleeping on the floor like he did in the days just after he returned to the United States.

Abu Nazir, your days are numbered. :P Brody is now a double agent!

I won't say too much about the B plot - I just think it's probably necessary for the plot for Finn to be a risk-taking teenager who does something stupid and it costs him plenty. I guess this will be why the Finn/Dana ship gets sunk before it's even sailed. :(

I could see Abu Nazir somehow finding out and using it to blackmail the Vice-President in some fashion. :\

So, daaaaaamn this show. Just wow. I can't wait to see what happens next. :D

PS. Jessica Brody is smoking hot. :P (then again, Morena Baccarin manages to pull that off with almost anything :D )

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