Title: Toddler Kame and his beloved Jin
hanez Pairing: Akame
Genre: Fluff, Chibi Kame
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kame turned into a toddler once again but this time round, it was not chibi! Girl! Kame but chibi boy! Kame. It happened when KAT-TUN was filming for Cartoon KAT-TUN Sendai SP.
Disclaimer: Once again, none of the characters belong to me.
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And I love the piccy. So adorable~
Jin spoils Kame rotten ♥ xDD
Un, un!
And Jin is the perfect candidate in that section~
Their relationship in this fic is so kawaii~ that I squeal every now and then xDD
I'm in love with this cuteness~~~ It's just so much fun to write. <333
I adore you *A*
I can't write stories like these even if my life depended on it xDD
Sometimes I wonder how I'm capable of writing those fics that I've wrote. It does takes some time to write but it's worth it in the end.
If you have plotbunnies for this fic, tell me! What you want chibi! Kame to do or what you want chibi Kame and adult Jin to do together~~ Need help in that. ^^
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