Jan 22, 2010 15:32
1:25pm- logged into computer.
1:30pm- went into admin room and pulled 2 files for increase rates, amount, effective dates, and percentages.
1:50pm- Pulled 3 people from my new team and explained the project for the QA outline. An extensive outline of a 59 page document.
2:30pm- Created a document for our training department in regards to US Bank errors. Which will be posted for all associates on infohub.
3:00pm. Wrote an email to my new team introducing myself and setting expectations in place for 2010.
3:30pm. Just got off the phone with local office manager from Safford and Prescott who gave me an update on weather conditions and offices closing. More to come. Starting to clean my desk and file everything so I can move to my new desk on Tuesday.
4:00pm - Pulled Josh and Matt into a room to talk about FMLA with an associate who is often absent due to health reasons.
4:30pm - Spoke with a lawyer on lost wages for an associate who has not worked here in months.
4:45pm - One on One's with my associates who are new to the team, explained the process of scorecard, and how often we will be meeting. Also explained new seating arrangement.
5:30pm- Emailed all system managers about infohub changes as well as new email procedures to the CCC.
6:00pm - Ate a sandwich.
6:15pm - pulled DeAndrea and talked about new team movements along with who has and has not completed the QA outline.
6:45pm - Started to write an annual review for an associate. Includes statistical review for a year along with core competencies, action plans, and skill port assessments.
8:15pm- Finished assessment.
8:15pm - Delivered a development plan for 2 associates who are no longer on my team.
8:45pm- Started the transition reports for my 15 associates. Reports include stats, competencies, written warning history, and additional information about each associate that would be beneficial for a new supervisor to know.
10:00pm - Left work