Apr 27, 2010 13:01
I found an awesome, gigantic rubber shark in an old bathtub down in the Yard. I'm going to call him Crunchy. Or maybe Bitey. Or COLOSSASHARK.
Sky, I wanna keep him. :( He doesn't bite... well, he DOES bite but he can't really hurt anybody because it's kinda hard to do any damage when your teeth aren't actual teeth, just little nubs of rubber and foam. And I don't think he'll need any food. I can even drag the bathtub up here to keep him in, and I'll make sure he has clean water!
(Inara, how do you get your boyfriend to stop glaring? I can never seem to. :( )
i solemnly swear i am up to no good,
+gai (youth),
+krile (cara),
and he shall be my crunchy,
+juhani (sylvar),
event: syfy movie night,
this is your brain on bridge,
bridge is a dork,
~trust (phoenix)