OOC: Dream #2

Oct 26, 2009 12:04

It was just like the memory he'd gotten.

Bridge was trapped in a small room, trying in vain to push back the walls that were closing in on him. Sweat dripped down his forehead, his arms aching with exertion. Except... it was a little different this time, somehow. He was in a blue uniform except a green one, for one. And before the walls got too close for him to even try and push, there was a shout, and the grille above him caved in.

Prongs' voice then shouted a word he couldn't hear. There was a flash of light, and the walls stopped.

Bridge looked up. The grille was high, but he could hear voices and see faces peering down at him, an impossible number considering how small the space seemed to be.

"There he is!" said Ghost. "...Did somebody think to bring a rope?"

"City-san!" Blood squealed. "See, I told you we'd find him!"

"Hey, it was my idea to come this way," Ghost argued back, and Bridge could imagine his pout.

"How about we stop arguing and get him out of there before the spell wears off?" Prongs asked patiently.

The opening seemed to move closer and closer, and he could see the faces of his loved ones more clearly. Most of them didn't speak, but he saw their smiles. Ghost was there, of course, and Blood, Prongs, Lucy, Youth, Cara, Bastet, Aurora, Locket, Juliet, Rose... many others. They all reached out their hands, and Bridge reached up to grab them and be pulled up... but hesitated as he realized there were two people conspiciously missing. Why were Sky and Rabbit not there? Had they...? They couldn't be gone. They couldn't be.

"Extend." Bridge's heart leapt as the handle of Rabbit's massive hammer came down, and at long last, Spike's face peeked over.

"Come on, little buddy. No more hesitating. We're all here to support you." Bridge grinned and reached out his hands for his loved ones once again. Their voices seemed to meld into one.

"We're waiting for you!"

ooc: the dream

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