yeah so, im applying to stop & shop today, yey. knowing them i'll start wicked early, and on weekends. =(
Jacqui went to the Atreyu show last night, and picked me up a sweatshirt and Ian a t-shirt.. so yeah, my mom better drive me and Ian to the mall tonight to pick up our shiznat.
I hate my layout, and how you have to scroll down to see the girl, anyone wanna fix it for me and make it in the bottom right corner so you can see her whole body without scrolling down? heh.
I have one more paper to do for coffey's class then i'm done with extra credit for him, i still need to print out my paper i wrote on fucking imageready. i hope he's bored, cuz its a very boring and confusing paper.i need to write a bibliography on Body Modification [my choice topic] before 3, cus then Ian's comming over. I haven't seen him all weekend, i miss him! <3
I need to get dresseddd...
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