Oct 13, 2005 14:39
so here is the deal guys...
the one thing that i really really need right now (besides sanity lol) is a car.
i have the opportunity to get a free one, a new one and a beautiful one.
its a NEW dodge viper.
and i need everyone's help to get it.
how you ask?
go to mcdonalds and buy alot of food...peel your monolpoly pieces and look at them.
if you have a SHORT LINE RAILROAD, give it to me, and i will give you $20.
why you ask?
because i have the other 3 railroads and all i need is short line and i win a car. now i know that its the hardest one to find, but damn it, i can try my hardest and fanaggle you guys into helping me....plus who wouldnt like free money?
so other than that, life is pretty much the same, nobody reads my LJ anymore, but who cares...
hmm...LOST was good last night, not amazing, but good nonetheless, i love hurley episodes lol.
alright, off to play with my neopets. peace