Aug 15, 2005 17:58
Yeah, so I've been home for a couple of days now. I would normally be glad to say that, only this year I am finding that going back would not be so terrible. I have made a complete 180 as Chris Brown said our last day. He reminded me of that like, 2 hours where I kept saying I didn't want to go but he made me so in the end I went. I am glad that I went. Next year my little sister is going to be there. I can't wait.
I still have more laundry to do tomorrow when I get home around 7. I might be late to practice, so I'm not sure what's going to happen there. My cat will not leave me alone for 2 seconds. Like, for serious. I went to throw my sheets in the washing machine when I got home, and she ran downstairs, and jumped onto the washer when it was filling up. If I went around a corner and she couldn't see me, she'd immediately take off and run up right behind me. It was terrible. I can't believe she lived the entire week without me. She lost 3 pounds while I was gone... definitely not healthy for a cat her age. I was so scared to pick her up. I'm kind of worried about her, but maybe now that I'm home she'll start eating again.
I must say, though in not too many words, that I may have crated a huge situation for myself, and I can either have everyone hating me, or myself hating me. I don't know how I get myself into these kinds of messes... I'M SO CONFUSED I COULD CRY!
On a lighter note, I can't wait to see all my friends after registration... oh man. I gotta call Ashley...