Apr 21, 2005 14:37
If no one knows how this week could be so awesome so far, I'll tell you:
But then with them are also the ones that I don't hate and in fact do actually like. Like Lori. Man, I am so glad that I have had her in my math class and my spanish class this semester. Without her I may actually be failing spanish right now. Math is really different without her there telling me to do my spanish homework and helping me with some of the translations.
I haven't sold any tickets to Rocket Extravaganza yet, but then neither has Bryan. It's just a great week is all. If the band end up going to Florida in two years, I think I'll stay behind then, too. It's just too much fun. What's left of band class sounds so good, I don't know how they're getting along without us. Not to say that no one else sounds as good as we do, just that there are some people who really don't. I must say that my first words when class first started Tuesday were, omigod I can't believe it! and then Justine asked me, what? and I shouted, KASSANDRA'S NOT HERE!!!
It took all my will power not to embarrass myself and start dancing around the band room. But then the harsh reality set in: she'll be back on Monday. Talk about buzzkill.
Well, I should really be going. I'm so excited. Tomorrow we don't really have anything to do in class, as we've finished all that we were supposed to.